Most wouldn’t dare try to sleep with me, but many have offered to blow me in hopes to get closer to me. I’ve allowed it with a few, but not often. I have held out hope that my mate will someday appear. That’s the reason I ignore the stares and the flirting.
“Yeah, I need to go for a ride to clear my head and then I’m going to my place,” I murmur back to Dagger.
“I heard you haven’t been using your room here at the clubhouse. Too good for your brothers, eh?” Brass says with a taunting smile.
I snort. “If that’s how you want to take it.”
I don’t bother to tell him that I’ve been spending more time at my apartment these days because something is drawing me there. It feels more like home than anywhere else, so I’m there most nights. I purchased the building about a year ago.
Then I moved into one of the units. None of the tenants know I own the place. I like it that way.
“I’m not offended. These motherfuckers around here can get unruly. Don’t blame you one bit for wanting to get away from them,” Dracon says through a laugh.
I snort at that one. “You brothers have a good night.”
I turn to leave as they continue to throw jeers at me. I stroll easy, in no real rush. While my apartment does feel like home, it’s still lonely. A grin comes to my lips.
Maybe I’ll run into my little neighbor. She’s a hot little cop. If humans were an option, I would have been all over that months ago.
I may not be able to do anything about the attraction I feel toward her, but I love when I get to see her. She’s pretty and gives off this independent vibe that I love about her. I’ve tried to help her with carrying her bags into the building or offering to hold a door for her, but she manages to sidestep me or decline my offers for help each time.
Not that I don’t see the lust that often fills her eyes. Now her … I’d allow her to wrap those sexy lips around my dick any day of the week. I’d give anything to have those eyes looking up at me as she takes me in deep. I have to adjust myself as the thought crosses my mind.
I shake my head clear and throw my leg over my hog. I might need to get laid sooner rather than later. That mermaid Oasis has been giving me the eye. She might be worth a try. I’ll have to ask about her the next time I meet up with Amadeus.
As I ride, I begin to think about club business. The books have been looking good. Everyone has been paying their dues and turning in earnings.
We’re thriving and that’s always a good thing. I’ll be able to approve quite a few requests for financial assists from those needing help. Not all supers are great at money management, much like humans.
The club also foots the bills for things like new schools, repairs to our neighbors, and business start-ups for those who relocate. I mentally make a list of the requests that have come in that deserve priority.
By the time I pull into the parking garage of my apartment building, I have a firm plan in my mind and I’m ready to head upstairs to find a book to read.
However, I’m not the only one to pull in. The black sedan that belongs to my pretty little neighbor pulls into her spot. I take a glance at my watch.
It’s almost three in the morning. I honestly hate that she keeps such late hours. If she were mine, I would make sure to be waiting outside her precinct every night to see her home. Heck, I don’t think I’d be able to take her career if she belonged to me.
For the millionth time, I wonder if she has a boyfriend who waits up for her calls at night. I’ve only seen one guy come by her apartment in the last year. He seemed to be into her, but she was indifferent from what I could tell.
It wouldn’t have been hard to take her from him if he were her man. I swing my leg over my bike to dismount with a smile on my lips from the thought. She climbs out of her cage and releases her hair from the ponytail she had it in.
She looks tired but sexy as her wavy locks fall into her cocoa-brown face and she reaches up to push them out of her eyes then scratches her scalp.
I would love to take her up to my apartment and draw her a bath to let her soak. Then I could be the one to scratch and massage her scalp as she relaxes.
“Good evening,” I say as we reach the elevator at the same time.
She shivers, then looks up at me as if just noticing my presence. “Hey,” she says with a smile.
“Long day?”
She scoffs. “You have no idea.”
We step into the elevator silently. I can’t take my eyes off her. She leans against the wall and closes her eyes. I take in her full lips and the way her T-shirt hugs her breasts.
As if feeling my eyes on her, she opens hers and stares back at me. A sweet smile comes to her lips as she takes me in from head to toe. I return the smile and the gesture as I stand with my legs set wide and my arms across my chest.
“You make sure to get something to eat before you go to bed. You’re looking a bit hungry over there,” she says.