Page 2 of King of Tides

“Yes, he has done right by us and will continue to do so,” Su-Vaha replies.

“So it has begun, my love,” Habun says as she moves to my side.

I look to her and smile. She has waited as long as I have to right this wrong. A mother’s love is a powerful thing.

Habun’s sheer will has done so much for our sons and their well-being. All I’ve done has been for her happiness and to restore my sons to their rightful place.

“Yes, it has,” I say as I place my free hand against her soft cheek.

“What of Hizmetkar? He cannot go unpunished. Allow me to?—”

“No. He was manipulated into this.”

“But his actions are his own.”

“Yes, that they are. Because of that, he will know the pain and frustration the others have grown to experience. Don’t worry, my love. I have a plan for him.”

Pain and conflict fill her eyes. This has all become more complicated than it should have. However, the guilt and pain in her eyes is something I wish to erase. None of it deserves the opportunity to mar her beauty.

My love is still as beautiful as the day I created her. I fell in love with her as well as the idea of her. My perfect creation. This is what I wanted for my sons. This was my goal in the beginning.

Job & Neighbor

It’s been a long day. This call should be my last, but I’m not counting on it. I can’t wait to get back to my place and have a cold beer. A book, a beer, and a bath are all calling me.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve loved to escape into a good book. This day is escape worthy. I’m looking forward to getting lost in my e-reader.

I was already halfway home when I got the call. Our squad has been shorthanded, and they’ve been working me like a dog. The amount of paperwork alone has me questioning my life.

If I couldn’t see for myself that our team has been light, I would think my captain has been punishing me to keep me from digging into the case I can’t get him to approve me to make a move on. I know Candido and Pauly Ricci are hiding something. All I need is a task force to nail them for a RICO case to put them both away.

Especially Candido, he’s the type of asshole I became a cop to put away. He may have everyone else fooled, but I see right through him. One of these days, he’s going to fuck up, and I’m going to be on his ass. That’s a promise.

“What do we have, Jenkins?” I ask as he lifts the yellow tape to let me through.

“Homeless guy found a body behind the dumpster. Female, early twenties,” he replies.

“Fuck. Any ID?”

“Nope, Jane Doe looks like she’s fresh. I’m thinking she was dumped here just after the rainstorm. Looks like cause of death was asphyxiation. She has a contusion to the left side of the head and her clothing was torn, indicating there may have been a sexual assault before the time of death,” Jenkins rattles off.

I go to step toward Jane Doe and step into a puddle of water. I look down at the puddle and it’s like I’m sucked into its reflection. That’s the best way I can explain it.

I lift my head, and a couple appears before me. He’s a lot taller than her that’s the first thing I note about them. As he has her pinned to the wall, I home in on everything about them.

She shoves him back and her face comes into view. She doesn’t look very lucid. As he stumbles back, she actually falls to the side as if drunk or high—maybe even drugged.

“Come on, you little slut. You were in there shaking your ass for me all night. Don’t try to be hard to get now,” the guy snarls.

He closes in on her and she pushes at him once again. This time, he punches her on the left side of her head. She stumblesback against the concrete wall behind her and hits her head again. That’s when the guy grabs her by the throat, and she grabs his wrist.

I note they both have a stamp on the backs of their hands, probably from a nightclub in the area. I want to draw my gun and pull the trigger when he tears her dress and proceeds to violate her.

However, the vision is popped and I’m brought back to the present. “Detective Salvado,” Jenkins calls. “You all right?”

I take a step forward and shake my head to clear it. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” Lifting a hand to my head, I try to figure out what the heck is going on with me.

I move to where the body lies covered by a sheet. Jenkins squats to pull the sheet back and reveals the young woman beneath. My mouth falls open as it’s the same woman from the vision I just had.