Page 18 of King of Tides

“Trust me, had you crossed my path before, your pussy would be wet every time I got near you. Your body would remember my tongue and how good I made you feel,” I lean to say into her ear.

I love the gasp that comes from her lips. I close my eyes and imagine that sound coming from her as I slide inside her for the first time.

“Not going to happen,” she pants as if reading my thoughts.

I open my eyes and look into her face. “Why not? You have a boyfriend?”

“No.” She shrugs. “I’m not interested. That’s why.”

“Lies,” I say and release her. I look down at her thin tank top and note her hardened nipples pushing at the fabric. She has goose bumps across her collarbone and down her arms. If I couldn’t smell her arousal, her body sure is giving her away. “You shouldn’t be out here like this.”

“I hadn’t planned to run into anyone or to be out here long.”

“Let me walk you to your door.”


“Because I want to make sure you get inside safely. You know, I’m only ever trying to be nice. We’re neighbors. I’m looking out.”

“So you want me to start coming by for sugar and shit?” she says, sounding amused.

“Sugar, a hand with opening a jar, fixing other shit that comes up. I’m here for it all,” I reply.

“And what are you looking for in return?”

“Nothing at all. Seeing your pretty face is enough for me.”

“Um … whatever. Come on. I’ll let you walk me to my door this once.”

I’m taken by surprise by her acceptance. She has shut my help down any other time I’ve offered. Images of walking into her place and trailing kisses down the back of her neck fill my head.

I put my palm on the back of her neck and start for her place. She glances at me as she bites down on her lip. I would love to be the one to have that flesh in my mouth.

Once at her door, she reaches for my wrist and pries my hand from her skin, turning her palm to place her hand in mine. I look down at our joined hands. This feels so right, but I know it isn’t.

“How long have you been with your biker club?” she asks, looking up at me.

I reach for the top of the doorjamb of her apartment door and hold on to it as I look down into her eyes. I watch as her breathhitches and her gaze rolls over me. That desire seems to increase tenfold as she takes me in.

She cranes her neck to look up at me. She’s about five-eight, give or take. My brothers and I tend to shrink down to fit in our human forms, so I tower over her at six-seven at the moment.

“Almost all my life. Why? Not into bikers?”

“Does that really matter?”

I snort. “No, gorgeous, it doesn’t.”

“Can I ask one more question?”

I reach for her waist and pull her toward my heat. I love that she comes willingly. Something I’m sure isn’t the norm for her.

“You have my attention. Ask away.”

“Do you have an older brother?”

I lean in to nuzzle her ear. “Want to come meet my family, do you? I love a woman who knows what she wants.”

A shiver runs through her as that delicious scent begins to rise more. She places a hand on my chest. “Just answer the question.”