Page 12 of King of Tides

“So you’re in town for a few days then?”

“Shut up. That happened one time.”

“One time you’re never going to forget. I’m sure no one who was on that flight ever will.”

“Be quiet before I make you treat me.”

“You wouldn’t,” I mock gasp. “Trying to take my little cop salary with all that money you make. I’m telling Papi if you do.”


Dinner with Eddywas fun as always. However, I still need to clear my head and figure some things out. So here I am, back at the gym. Mack put this pool in when I was around nine.

I’m a good swimmer and love to swim to work out my thoughts. Tonight, that’s exactly what I plan to do. Swim until my thoughts are clear.

I dive into the water and push forward then begin to stroke. I slice through the water as if that will allow me to slice through my frustration and thoughts.

As I swim, my mind goes to my neighbor. Why can’t I connect his gang to Candido? I know it was an Iron Brother who saved me. I remember the cut. However, I can’t get a solid lead that connects me to something I can use.

The Immortal Iron Brothers come up cleaner than Ricci does. It’s like they don’t exist. I swear, I’ve been running in circles.

Suddenly, I get this feeling in my stomach. I stop stroking and halt. When I look before me, it’s like a sheet of ice has formed in front of me.

I reach out a hand to see if I can touch the surface. I’m not crazy. There is a panel of ice in the water that came out of nowhere. It’s like an underwater mirror.

I blink a few times as I swim in place and stare at the barrier. That’s when images begin to form as if the ice were a TV. I ball my fist as Candido comes into view.

It’s that night all over again. However, the biker in this frame has his back to me. I still can’t see his face. He’s a blond, that much I can tell.

He’s no small guy either. The way he fills out that cut feels so familiar to me. If only he would turn so I could see his face.

Who are you?

I think the words and he does turn as if he heard them. I’m met with blue eyes I know well. It’s him, my neighbor.

There’s no way he’s the one who saved me that night. That was thirteen years ago. From the image before me, he hasn’t aged a day. My neighbor doesn’t look older than thirty or so. Exactly the same age as the guy in the image before me looks.

How could this be? How do these visions work? As my mind reels with questions, the vision changes.

It takes a few seconds for me to realize I’m looking at the docks. I’m looking at one of the warehouses. The image before me moves as if a drone is flying, catching the footage.

Candido comes into view. A woman is on her knees before him with her hands tied behind her back. I grind my teeth, wanting to strangle this motherfucker.

I still can’t believe this asshole is my father. Fucking piece of shit. I narrow my eyes and look at the woman. She looks young. As I look closer, I notice she’s working her hands out of the zip ties on her wrists.

A grin comes to my lips. Hopefully, she’ll be able to take this asshole and his men. She pauses as Ricci says something to her.

I become frustrated because I can’t hear. Then suddenly, as if someone has unmuted the vision. I can hear everything.

“What did you say to me?” The young woman hisses.

“I said where’s your fucking boss, bitch?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know where he is. How dare you come in here like you run this place. Do you know what they will do to you?”

“Who, the Iron Brothers? Sweetheart, I own those biker fucks. They ain’t gonna do shit. Now answer the fucking question.”

“I’m not answering shit. What do you want with Amadeus anyway?” She bites out.