Page 102 of King of Tides

He gives a bow and looks me in the eyes as he speaks again. “You have a deal, Billy. I will do anything for family.”


“King Ardan,”Beck and Bourne squeal as I step outside for some fresh air.

I give the boys a smile and dip to lift them up in my arms as they coming barreling toward me. They are all sweaty as they chatter a mile a minute. My frustration and anger melt away as I listen to them.

I’m not angry with Billy. I’m frustrated with myself. I want to give her time to process this new life without the pressure of its needs from her. However, at the same time, I need her.

“Where’s Queen Billy?”

“She’s making a few calls. What are you two up to?”

“We were playing. We did good in training today and Amadeus is rewarding us with playtime,” Bourne says happily.

“Good job. I’m proud of you both,” I croon and tighten my hold to embrace them.

They both make this little sound as they snuggle into me, causing me to think of how much they need this from a trusted female. The problem is Billy doesn’t seem to be getting any closer to accepting us for who we are. I might be her mate and I’m satisfying her needs, but Billy holds me at arm’s length at most times.

How can I ask her to be something I’m not sure she wants? Asking her to help me is like being a single father with two boys. She didn’t sign up for this.

Yes, she has said she wants to help, but this isn’t something she can flake on. Billy will break their hearts if she’s not ready and changes her mind. She has a bond link with me, not with them.

Her rejection could be catastrophic for them. I will end up with two ice titans on my hands instead of the one from the visions. The balance will be lost and so will my solution for the problem.

“Will you come play with us? We have gotten fast, we can show you,” Beck says.

I place them both on their feet and pat the tops of their heads. They look up at me with sparkling eyes. I’m thrown back in time to when Bradan and I were their size.

We looked at our father the same way, happy he had come to earth to see us. My heart pangs. I realize I’m committed to them for more reasons than being their king.

Their laughter fills the air as I form water guns for the three of us. I begin to chase after them as they take off. I take turns soaking the two as they try to get away.

“You’ve gotten fast, but not fast enough,” I call after them.

“We’ll show you,” Beck laughs.

He goes to speed off, but trips and flies forward. The next thing I know he’s sobbing on the ground. I groan and rush to his side.

“Hey, hey, it’s just a little scrape. We’ll get it cleaned up, little buddy.”

“It hurts,” he whimpers.

Before I can open my mouth, Billy appears. I look to her and knit my brows. However, her attention is solely on Beck.

“What happened?” she coos.

“I was trying to show King Ardan how fast I am, but I tripped and fell.” Beck pouts and sniffles.

“Aw, you poor baby. Here, you eat this ice pop while I fix your boo-boo.”

“Can I have one too?” Bourne asks.

“Of course you can. You can be my little helper too.”

“What do you need me to do?” he asks excitedly.

“I need you to hold your brother’s hand while I fix him up. Help him to be brave.”