“Shut the fuck up, Chase,” Croy snarled. “You’re lucky we were niceenough to bring her here before this meeting. I’m not splitting up my crew to watch over someone who ain’t part of our life while we’re meeting with the Iron Horsemen. Keep testing me and I’ll send her home with a fuckin’ map to her location posted on every telephone pole.”
Well, fuck. I hadn’t been expecting that. They headed for their bikes without a backward glance, leaving me to play catch up. I jogged to join them, frowning as I climbed onto my bike. “Why am I going with? I thought you all hated me.”
“We do,” Clink said with a bland look. “But your bullshit is what started this whole thing. You’re gonna see it through. Unless we gotta clean up your messes for you?”
It wasn’t what I thought would happen. I was convinced they’d keep me out of it since Croy didn’t want me dying and wasting Nevada’s sacrifice. But I sure as hell wasn’t going to refuse. Even though I didn't like leaving Mariah alone, I could admit that her being surrounded by the crew was a hell of a lot safer than on her own, with just her mom and sister to protect her. I straightened and firmed up my resolve. “No. I can handle it.”
Brewer huffed something resembling a condescending laugh. “Right. Let’s get moving.”
We were meeting Patriot in a bar on the edge of the city, a little run-down joint that wouldn’t draw much attention from the cops. I didn’t recognize the place. It was just outside our territory and not in an area that would draw our attention. Too much petty crime pulling the pigs into the area. But for tonight, it would be fine as long as no one did anything stupid to draw the pigs to us. And knowing how many in Trick’s crew had warrants out, I knew that was the last thing they wanted.
There were six bikes parked out front when we got there. One guy stood beside them, probably watching them. It was a prospect’s job whenever we went out, and I kind of expected I’d be the one forced to do it tonight, but Clink shoved me toward the door and Knox stayed behind, leaning casually against his bike like he didn’t have a care in the world. Asking questions right now would make us look weak, so I followed the officers without a word, even while my brain struggled to catch up. It would’ve been better to keep me in the loop if they were planning on dragging me along. Hopefully, it didn't bite us in the ass.
The place was pretty quiet. A couple of people sat at the bar, talking low amongst themselves, and one or two played pool off to one side. They weren’t wearing cuts, but I kept an eye on all of them in case Patriot decided to do something underhanded to take us off guard. He sat at a table in the corner with his guys at his back, tracking Croy as he moved throughthe space. With an air of confidence I could never pull off, Croy sat across from his enemy, his posture relaxed and his hands on the table. Proving to Patriot that he wasn’t worried about him enough to keep his hand near his weapon.
“Croy,” Patriot rumbled.
They stared at each other, waiting for the other to break. I’d seen Croy do it before. He never broke. He’d sit motionless all night. The only time he lost his temper was when Riley was involved, and I knew for a fact she and the rest of the old ladies were well hidden tonight. Croy wasn’t risking a repeat of the other night with his old lady on the line.
Patriot waited longer than most people would, but eventually, he lost the battle, a muscle twitching in his eye when he started to get annoyed. He spoke first, his voice terse.
“Well? You invited us here. You must have somethin’ to say.”
“Mm.” Croy stayed quiet for just a minute longer, just to fuck with the guy, before finally speaking. “How loyal are your guys?”
That wasn’t what Patriot was expecting, based on the frown on his face. I wasn’t sure where Croy was going with the question either, but I couldn’t let my confusion show. I kept my face carefully neutral, listening both to the conversation and our surroundings in case someone tried to do something stupid.
“My guys would lay down their lives for our crew. Why the fuck are you askin’?” Patriot growled suspiciously.
“They don’t seem that loyal if they’re starting shit with my crew over one dumbass’s old grudge. I figured one of them was lying to you about what was really going on here. I know I wouldn’t do a damn thing about my crew’s personal bullshit. I’ve got a business to run.”
Patriot’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly before he relaxed, leaning back in his seat. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. My crew ain’t doin’ shit. Unless you got proof?”
Without any signal from Croy, Clink tossed a few pictures onto the table.
“These guys look familiar? They were picked up after an attack on oneof our locations. After they were released, we grabbed them for a little chat,” Croy said blandly.
Patriot sat up straighter. They weren’t mugshots or regular pictures. They were taken after a few hours in the gas station. Both guys were barely recognizable, their faces bloody and swollen. Croy was making a statement, and that statement pissed Patriot off.
“Where the fuck are they?”
“Where they belong. Paying for what they took from me and my crew. You’re the one who let some pissant’s personal grudge explode like this. You could’ve let them handle it themselves. That’s all my guy wanted. Right, Chase?”
“Right, Prez,” I growled, glaring at Patriot.
Patriot shoved to his feet, his teeth bared. “You think I give a shit? You’re starting a war–”
Croy’s voice stayed deadly calm as he stood. “No. You started the war when you let your crew into my territory. You started a war by giving them the idea that they could attack my home and murder my people. You started this. Now, I’m going to end it.”
Patriot stiffened and I saw his hand twitch at his side. I wasn’t stupid enough to carry my weapon on my ankle anymore. I wasn’t trying to hide it so I could blend in watching over the girls. It was attached to my hip and within reach, and I was ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice.
Croy raised his hand to stop him. “I told you, this was a neutral meeting. I’m kind enough to give you a heads-up.” He leaned his palms onto the table, leveling Patriot with a look. “Every single member of your crew will be in that chair. Even if you run, I’m going to keep coming for you. My charters will come for you. My allies will come for you. You took something from me when you attacked my home. I’m not stopping until you and your crew are nothing but bloodstains on the floor.”