Page 60 of Devil's Vengeance

“Oh, my god.”



I raced for the door, ripping it open. Chase barely had time to look up before I threw my arms around his neck. He caught me against him with a grunt, freezing for a moment before he wrapped his arms tightly around me and hugged me close. I thought I’d cried out all my tears last night, but I was sobbing in his arms anyway. He didn’t get annoyed or push me away. He held me as tight as I held him, and the tension in his shoulders told me he was just as upset as I was.

“I thought you were dead,” I murmured against his shoulder.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

His voice was tight like he was choking back tears, and he didn’t let go when I loosened my grip. He just held me, like he wasn’t ready to face the world just yet. And I didn't rush him. I might’ve been there when Nevada died, but I wasn’t as close to him as Chase was.

When he finally let go, his expression was closed off, trying to hide his pain. I shook my head.

“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend to be unaffected. I know you’re not. You don’t have to pretend to be tough for me.”

He looked conflicted for a second before the expression softened and the pain came back. “Sorry. Habit.”

Taking his hands, I pulled him inside. He looked exhausted. He’d already been tired, but I didn’t think he ever got the chance to sleep afterbeing grabbed by his crew. He needed rest. Then we would talk about what came next. I didn’t stick around the hospital long enough to even guess.

Mom was standing in the kitchen, watching us curiously. I shook my head. I’d introduce them later. I led Chase to my childhood bedroom, which was exactly how I left it when I moved out at eighteen for college because my mom refused to believe I wouldn’t move back. My sister’s room was the same. Chase didn’t comment on any of it. I wasn’t sure he even noticed. He toed off his boots, let me take his cut, and dropped face-first onto the bed. I was pretty sure he was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Taking a deep breath, I felt some of the tension I’d carried in my shoulders fade away. My worry for him had been riding me constantly since he was accosted by the officers of the club. Wondering if he was even alive. Now that I knew he was safe, it felt like I could breathe right again. But until he talked to me, I wasn’t sure how long it would last. Would he still be alive this time tomorrow? Or the next day? If I stayed with him, would I end up like Cleo? Sobbing over my husband’s death, with two teenage boys waiting at home for a father who’d never come back?

I wasn’t sure what was more painful. That, or never seeing Chase again.

When I came back to the kitchen, Mom was waiting for me, her eyes alight with curiosity. I sat beside her at the table, letting out a heavy sigh.

“Thank you for not pestering him. He’s been awake for over twenty-four hours and he’s exhausted physically and emotionally.”

She leaned to put her hand on top of mine. “Was he there?”

I nodded. “Yeah. The guy was his friend, too.”

Her face twisted with sympathy. “Poor thing.”

Pressing my lips together, I waited. I didn't have to wait long.

“So are you two dating or…”

Huffing out a laugh, I shook my head. “Not officially. We’re…” I didn’t even know how to describe what we were. Hookups forced to stay with each other because an asshole from his past wouldn’t leave me alone? My mom would lose her ever-loving mind.

“Is it one of those situationship things?”

I made a face at her. “A what?”

“Angelica told me about them. Where you’re more than friends, but not boyfriend-girlfriend. Sounds a lot like friends with benefits to me, but she said that wasn’t it.” She shrugged. “I don’t always get what your sister is saying to me sometimes. All I know is that she’s not ready to settle down and won’t be for a while.”

I wasn’t going to argue with that. Angelica was twenty-five and still hadn’t grown up yet. I wasn’t sure what kind of person would be able to put up with her for long periods.

“I’m not sure what that is, either. Or what Chase and I are. He’s… friends with my friend’s husband.” Sort of. They were in the same club. I wasn’t sure if my mom noticed the club logo on his back or even recognized it. She was kind of sheltered thanks to Dad.

“Oh, are you making friends? That’s wonderful!” she gushed. It successfully diverted her from the conversation of mine and Chase’s relationship, and I was happy to tell her about Lacey and Sam. I wasn’t sure they’d still want to be friends with me after I ignored them and called the cops, but they felt like my friends for a little while.

Chase slept through the morning, and I didn't plan on waking him, but I did have to go to work eventually, and I couldn’t call out without notice. I thought about just letting him sleep, but I’d caused enough trouble making decisions like that before. I had to accept that I wasn’t the expert here, and I shouldn’t be making the decision on my own.

Poking my head into my room, I studied him. He looked sad, even in his sleep. His brow was furrowed and his lips tugged down into a frown. I couldn’t imagine the heartache of losing Nevada. It was hard on me, and I didn’t really know him. Crawling into the bed, I laid down next to him. I didn't want to jostle him awake and scare the hell out of him. Instead, I ran my fingers lightly over the frown lines, smoothing them out until he slowly woke up. He opened one bloodshot eye, checked that I was okay, and let it slip shut again. I bit back a smile and poked his cheek.