“Tonight. If she agrees.”
“Excellent.” Sollit beamed, standing straight. “Do you want to bring her?”
“No. I’d rather prepare. I’m better at that.”
“True,” Sollit smiled. “I’ll leave it to you then. I’ll explain things to her.”
Tillos grinned back at him, excitement welling up in their chests. His brother was the type to tamp down on his own eagerness to do something if he thought others wouldn’t want it. Sollit didn’t share that particular trait, and he considered that a good thing. It balanced them. Because Sollit was certainly willing to express his desires, and it meant that Tillos was free to be excited about the things Sollit was willing to ask for him.
And it started with this.
Bonding was important. Their fathers made sure to have a bonding ceremony with their mother at least once a tenday, if not more. Of course, they were retired now and living a life of luxury and indulgence, so they could afford such things. Still, Sollit saw no reason why they couldn’t have a similar ceremony with their female at least once after every play finished its run. At least until the day they retired and could join their parents in a lazy life.
Grinning at the idea of their future, Sollit separated from Tillos to get ready.
“…and then they get married and fly off together,” Leah was saying as Sollit stepped in through the open doorway of Corvidair’s office. The troupe leader was looking at her with an expression of extreme focus. Leah, however, seemed uncertain. “Do you think it’s too childish?”
Corvidair blinked and smiled at her. “Nonsense! We once put on a play that was about a young girl chasing after her missingpet. People love lighthearted stories. You will have to show me this movie later. For now, it appears your mate wants your attention.”
“Huh?” She blinked then turned, surprised to see him standing there. But the moment she did, her face broke out into a wide smile. “Sollit, you’re back. How was your comm?”
Sollit smiled. It still made him so happy when his mate recognized him immediately. “Hello,aevea. Are you finished with Corvidair?”
“We can be,” Corvidair answered for her. “I have to get the ship moving. Go ahead.”
“Thanks, boss,” Sollit smiled, offering his hand.
Leah stood, taking it eagerly. She waved back at Corvidair as Sollit pulled her out
“You’ve picked your play, then?” He asked, like he hadn’t already heard her do so.
She nodded, beaming. “It’s an old story I used to love as a kid. It’s about this girl that’s born really small, like this big, in a flower, and her adventures coming of age.”
“Fun,” Sollit smiled. “You can tell Tillos and I all about it tonight.”
Leah nodded eagerly. “Where is Tillos?”
“He’s waiting for us in our room.” Sollit came up short, turning to hold both of her hands. “If you like, we’d like to participate in a bonding ceremony with you tonight. Maybe into tomorrow. Even the day after, if you’d like.”
Chapter 41
“Bonding ceremony?” She cocked her head. “What’s that?”
“It’s something avanava lovers do. It’s called a ceremony, but it’s really not something so formal. There is a bit of tradition to it, and in religious times, it used to be more heavily dedicated to the gods and goddess. But these days, it’s just about spending time with your mates. It’s about adoring each other. Reminding each other how much we love each other.”
“Oh, like when you guys took care of me during my period?”
“No, not hardly,” he chuckled. “For one thing, love making isn’t forbidden during that time. I mean, it doesn’t have to be forbidden during your period-”
“Not going to happen.”
“Can’t blame me for trying,” he beamed. “Your period time was for us to help you through it. To tend to you like you were ill. It’s not the same.”
Leah shook her head. “Honestly, I can’t imagine you two doing anything more to show me how much I mean to you. It’s like you both just… don’t think about anything else. It’s crazy to me.”