Page 87 of Naughty November


He brushes his thumb under my left eye. “Let’s see what we can do about that, okay?”

I rest my head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Let me take care of you, Jools.”

I nod and lead him to my room.

“This is it.” I sit on the bed and lean on my hands.

He stands in the centre of the room, head cocked, expression thoughtful. It’s no quieter than when I texted him. Horns honk outside the window. Doors bang somewhere within the hotel. Voices drift through the walls.

“Forget New York. London should be nicknamed the city that never sleeps,” I say.

I need to find somewhere more permanent than a hotel room, but that can’t be the only reason to accept Devin’s move-in offer.

Devin strips to his underpants. The sight of him almost naked takes my breath away and revives memories of being with him in Amsterdam. He’s so beautiful. He takes my hand, pulls me to my feet and undresses me with tender care, his lips whispering over my skin in the wake of my clothes. I’ve never been undressed by a man before. Never been taken care of in this way. He guides me into bed and pulls me into his arms, with my head resting on his chest. The gentle thud of hisheart and the soft puff of his breathing eclipse all the sounds that have been keeping me awake. I feel safe and warm in his arms.

He kisses my hair. “Better?”

“Yes.” I hug him to me.

“Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning.”

I let my heavy eyelids drift shut. “About the list?”

“The list. You. Me. Us. Everything.”

“Thank you for being here.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”



I wake first, oddly rested, even though I’m sure the hotel room has never truly become quiet or dark. Jools is snuggled up to me, his head on my chest, his ear over my heart. He’s stunning. I memorise how peaceful his face is, how his feathery hair tickles my skin, and his body’s warmth as he presses against me, holding me despite being deeply asleep. Not that I let him go, either. I don’t care that my arm, looped beneath and around him, is numb. I only care that we’re here together.

His lashes flutter, and he whimpers as he wakes. He smiles as he focuses on me. My heart swells and soars.

“Morning,” he whispers.

I cup his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. “Morning. Sleep well?”

“Yes.” He stretches and then snuggles closer. “I think that’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had since leaving Australia.” He peers at me. “How did you know how to help me sleep?”

“Because I know you. I know what helps you relax. I know what makes you feel safe.”

A thoughtful line slashes down the centre of his brow as he frowns. “Even after all these years?”


He scrunches his nose. “Or maybe you’re just good at making people relax. It must be part of your job.”

I chuckle. “It is. Maybe it’s a bit of both.”

“That works.” He strokes circles over my chest. “Your offer to help me explore my kinky side?—”