I laugh. “Exactly. I bet it would be easier for me to expand your kink horizons than for you to teach me Japanese.”
He chuckles. “Maybe.”
“You do remember my efforts in French lessons, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I remember. I helped you with your homework. Would you?”
I knit my brows together. “Learn Japanese?”
He swats his arm over my leg. “No. Help me expand my kink horizons?”
My heart patters. “Is that what you want?”
“I—want to be around you. I looked into kink because of you. So, yes, I think so. I should probably book a session with you at the club you work at. The Library?”
“Yes, that’s the place. But no, don’t.”
Jools frowns. “Why?”
“Because you know how the app has no fraternisation rules?”
He nods.
“So does The Library. And I’m not sure I could stop myself from kissing you.”
Jools swallows and meets my gaze. “I’m not sure I’d want you to stop yourself from kissing me.”
I gather up his hands. “Move in.”
He shakes his head.
“You’ve said you don’t want to keep living out of a hotel room and that you’re not getting enough sleep.”
“I know, but?—”
“At least think about it. I won’t let the room to anyone else for a few days.”
I squeeze his hands. “Think about letting me expand your kink horizons, too. You don’t need to decide on that now, either.”
“Because you have to go to work?”
“Partly. But also because I don’t want to push or rush you.”
“Wait here.” I stand, lean down, and kiss his forehead before going to my room to grab the list Stefan gave me last night. I press it into his hands.
“What is it?”
“The Library has produced a list of kinky things to do in November. Have a look at it. Cross out anything you wouldn’t want to do, and put stars next to things you’re really interested in. We can look at it together. If you want.”
He smiles. “Thanks for not laughing at me or telling me I’m being stupid.”
“You’re not. Do you want to stay here tonight? You don’t have to go back to your hotel.”
He stands and brushes his hands over his jeans. “I need to go back, but we should trade numbers before I go. Whatever happens, let’s not lose touch this time, okay?”