Of course not.
“I just meant, um, with someone you liked,” he whispered.
The devil on my shoulder took over, and I cupped his ball sac, petting the cage with my fingers. “But I do like you, baby.”
His eyes went wide, his breath hitching in his throat. “If, um, if you’d been the one to put this on me, would you have been happy with me wearing it, like you said?”
“You mean, would I have told you how good you were being for me?” I asked, my thumb running back and forth over the bars as his soft cock started to swell and press against them. “Would I have praised you for handing control over to me and thanked you for trusting me with that? For letting me take care of you, sweetheart? For letting me lock you up until you turned into a needy, submissive little thing, begging me to let you come?”
He mewled like a kitten, his thighs—still spread wide for me—starting to shake as he bunched up the material of his shirt in his hands, twisting and squeezing it while he stared at me.
“I would have been very happy with that, baby,” I murmured, running my fingers behind his balls and stroking his taint. “And eventually, I would have rewarded you by giving you the orgasm you earned for being such a good, obedient, submissive boy for me. But in the meantime, I’d have enjoyed how pretty it looks on you. And you know what I’d have enjoyed even more?”
“What?” he asked, the word more a breath than a sound.
I stroked the bars again, the soft flesh of his cock pressing up against them now in a way that I’d heard from others was erotically painful, both a physical and visceral reminder of the control they’d handed over.
“If I’d been the one you allowed to lock you up like this, I’d have enjoyed this right here. The moment when you get so aroused that your body tries to do something about it... and can’t. How does that feel, button? How does it feel to be so swollen and contained, knowing your dick is trapped and there’s no way for you to get relief unless I let you?”
He let out a strangled cry, his hips jerking. “Fletch!”
Oh fuck. The raw need in his voice spiked my own arousal so hard that all the control I’d just been talking about was something I almost lost completely, and that’s something I never did.
It brought me to my senses. For a moment, I’d forgotten myself. But Holden had only been asking me about the kink itself, trusting me to help him understand it. I’d taken it too far.
I took my hands off him. “Shit. I’m so sorry, button. I didn’t mean to, uh... fuck.” I scrubbed a hand over my face. “I got a little carried away. Even if you were actually into men, I should never have?—”
“I used to think I was,” he blurted out, interrupting my completely inadequate apology.
“What?” I asked, my voice rasping like sandpaper.
“Gay,” he whispered. “I thought I might be gay, into men. Well, into you. Back when I was, um, younger.”
“Youusedto think that,” I repeated, my heart starting to thud in my chest as my erection strained against my zipper.
He nodded. Bit his lip. Tempted me to push him, to try to get him to change past tense to present, just by sitting there looking like…
Well, like everything I’d ever wanted.
“I think it was because you were always so nice to me,” he said, twisting his hands together.
He blushed.
“I’ve known you most of my life, sweetheart, and I know for sure that I wasn’t always that nice when I was a teenager. Are you sure it wasn’t just because you liked my attention?Anyattention?”
He blushed harder.
I grinned. “Are we talking about the year you kept accidentally walking in on me in the shower whenever you’d stay over? Because I do remember that, and how you’d always apologize so breathlessly.”
He ducked his head, trying to cover his face, but I captured his hands and pulled them away.
“This is so embarrassing,” he whispered. Not that his pretty little cock seemed to have gotten that memo, since it still pressed hard against its cage.
“I’d tell you to leave, and you would. Then you’d try to make it up to me, always so eager to please. You liked being good for me, didn’t you? You liked doing whatever I asked you to. You liked making me happy, am I right, Holden? Is that what it was, sweetheart?”
His breathing turned into the sweetest little panting, and his hips were jerking a little, his eyes glazed over as he stared up at me like he’d forgotten this was a two-way conversation.