Atticus:I’ll cover it. But you’ll have to become a member of the club.
Me:How much?
He gave me a number that was pretty reasonable, if the place was as nice as he’d said.
Me:Is it worth it?
Atticus:I think it is. If we decide we don’t want to use the kink space, it’s fine. We can at least have a drink together.
I liked the way he wasn’t pressuring or assuming, since we’d never met in person. Some of these young guys were intense. He seemed decent and low-key.
I already liked the sounds of this Maverick Molly’s place.
I’d been picturing a modern gaming establishment, like a mini-casino or something of that nature, so when I saw the old-fashioned signage and walked up the steps to the large double doors, then stepped into history, it was startling.
Even the entry area and the hallway had the ambience of a Victorian drinking establishment. Sounds of laughter, the clinking of glasses, and men’s voices drifted through a nearby archway. It was immediately welcoming and alluring after a long day’s work in the office.
My day job at the Translation Bureau in Public Services and Procurement, with the Federal Government, wasn’t physically taxing in the least. But the strain of working on documents for eight hours a day could take a toll. I was ready for something that didn’t involve reading or, frankly,thinking. I needed a distraction, and I certainly hoped Atticus could help me out.
Someone came out of the room to my left, and at first glance, I took the person for a young woman dressed in Victorian undergarments. But I did a double take because something was off. It turned out to be a very handsome young man.
I blinked.
“Welcome to Maverick Molly’s!” he said, smiling. “I can see by the expression on your face that you’ve never been here before.”
“Uh…no. Seems I’ve missed out,” I said, my gaze raking over the attractive man in the scintillating costume. He was shorter than me, and svelte, the corset holding him together rather nicely. He had shaggy gelled hair and black eyeliner, and a saucy, full mouth.
“I’ll say.” He waggled his eyebrows. “My name’s Toby. I’m a server here. Are you meeting someone?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact.”
The notification sound on my phone alerted me to a text. I dug it out of my pocket, giving Toby an apologetic smile.
Atticus:Look up.
I gazed into the room beside me. The young man whose photo I’d examined several times was leaning on the bar and grinning. He gave a little wave.
“That’s him,” I said to Toby, giving Atticus a casual salute.
“Lucky dog. He’s cute. Comes here maybe twice a month. Always with a different guy.”
Toby watched me to see how I’d react to that information.
I smiled. “I’m not surprised. Today, he’s with me.”
“Go on, then. I’ll be back in a bit, but there are other molly boys in there to serve you while I’m gone, Mr…?”
“Ross. Luther Ross.”
“Wonderful. Get a drink and make yourself at home.”
“Hold on. I need to sign up or something? To use the back room?”
Toby’s eyes flashed. “Oh! Of course. Talk to the bartender.”
And he was gone.
I hadn’t worn a jacket on this temperate April evening, so I strode directly into the gaming parlor and toward Atticus.