His whine said he was nervous but his cock said I was right. “You’d make sweet, happy sounds for me, and when you couldn’t help it anymore, you’dpopand you’d let go completely.”
Pressing right on his slit when I said the word pop had his orgasm firing through him, and he let out the most beautiful, desperate cry as he exploded. At the very least, his body knew what he wanted even if his head wasn’t quite there yet because his orgasm just kept going as I jerked him off again and again.
When he finally went boneless and let out a deep breath, I relaxed my hold on his cock and kissed his head again. I wasn’t sure where his mind was at but he surprised me and made me smile. “Orgasming, right? Popping…that was orgasming, right?”
“Do you want me to give you kisses and snuggles or do you want me to lie?” Hearing his choices made him sigh, but he lifted his head and gave me an exaggerated pucker. “Thought so.”
He was adorable and slightly insane…but he was predictable.
And I loved that about him.
“No, I run on cookies and caffeine. I don’t need dinner.” I might never walk into the kitchen again.
There wasstuffon the table.
I’d managed to get the cookies out of the pantry before I’d seen what was on the table but then I’d seen it.
Well, them?
Yes, it was probably a them…but I wasn’t going to talk about them. I was going to eat cookies and never go into the kitchen again.
“Okay.” Micha was pretending everything was perfectly normal but he’d left them on the table. Diapers didn’t show up like magic. Even in dirty romance novels they didn’t pop up like magic. Well, unless it was actually a magic world.
No. I wasn’t going to get distracted.
I’d figure out if there were magic romance novels where diapers just appeared later.
“But…but I can share if you’re hungry too.” Yes, I was losing my mind but I was a good partner. “Let’s…let’s go sit down.”
Yes, that was a good idea.
Friday nights were for cuddling and hanging out. Just because I’d been a bit distracted over the last week didn’t mean our plans had to change.
Micha seemed firmly attached to hiseverything was normalroutine and looked up from his phone. “Cuddle time first? I think that’s a great plan.”
But he was so good at making it sound reasonable I let him lead me over to the couch and even handed over my cookies once I was on his lap. He’d lapped me. It was cheating because my brain only half worked when I was on his lap.
It was cuddle physics, so I just couldn’t help it.
Everyone who had an ounce of sub in them knew how cuddle physics worked.
“Thank you for sharing.” He was sneaky and kissed my cheek too. “You know, pizza goes with cookies, so we could order that for dinner.”
He was so sneaky.
“I’m not talking about what’s in the kitchen. There’s nothing in my contract that says I have to talk unless my health and safety are involved.” I’d read it yesterday just to be sure there weren’t more loopholes I could exploit.
Micha nodded and was still looking like I was his completely rational partner as he opened the squishy chocolate chip cookies and handed me one. “Okay. You don’t have to go into the kitchen and you don’t have to talk.”
He’d agreed to that entirely too easily.
I’d done something stupid.