Instead of going to one of the many luxuriously appointed private rooms, each containing a king bed, a small seating area, and a full bathroom, I took us to the elevator alcove. I used the digital security pads for the elevator and my office and heard him suck in a breath as if he was going to speak before he thought better of it.
“Good boy,” I murmured, knowing it took a lot for him to keep that curious little mouth closed. He turned his head towards me, preening a bit. I gave him a little smirk, but nothing else.
From there I walked us towards the back left corner of the room and through another door, which led into an en suite I used when I worked late into the night and was too tired to drive home. The lights came on automatically and were on a dimmer, which painted the room in a soft golden hue. The walls were painted a silver gray, while all the furniture—wood and upholstered—was black. The duvet was a deep navy blue, plush and silky to the touch. My bedroom at home was much the same.
I told myself I didn’t want to use one of the private rooms downstairs because they’d just been cleaned, but as much as I hated to admit it, I was kidding myself. I’d never brought anyone up here and knew it was a stupid move to do so, but couldn’t stop myself.
The truth was, I wanted this boy inmyspace. He wasn’t a courtesan, not that I ever used my club’s boys. If I wanted someone for an evening when I used the club as a “member,” I always brought someone other than an employee. But even that was very rare. When I visited as a member of the club, it was to see and be seen, talk business, make deals, and keep an eye on the upper echelons of my territory.
Once I shut the door behind us, I turned to face Jules, whose face was as eager as could be and whose dick seemed to have become even harder, a shiny trail of precum dripping down the underside of his cock, over the center line of his balls, leaving me to imagine just where it would travel next. Goddamn, he was beautiful.
I moved to the side of the king bed and stared at him until he got all squirmy. He was a brat and he was bold, but it was very good to know he wasn’t unaffected by me. In fact, I’d venture to say he was extremely affected by me, as he was practically vibrating and so ready for whatever I wanted to do to him.
“Come.” I pointed to the floor in front of me. Once he was within reach, I clasped his throat until he met my gaze. “Remember the rules I stated before. And your safewords are red to stop, yellow to slow down, and green isfuck yes, Daddy, more, please.”
The little giggle he let out made it hard to keep a straight face, but I kept my features stern, all while electricity fired through my body at his innocent, adorable response. This kid might be my downfall. I letgo of his throat, grabbed some lube, arnica cream, and a plug from the drawer of the nightstand, and placed them on top. Then I drew back the covers, revealing slate colored silk sheets, and sat on the side of the bed, my eyes holding his.
“Turn around, feet shoulder width apart, bend over, and touch the floor.” He sucked in a shuddering breath, and I watched, rapt, as he followed directions to the letter.
Fuck me, but that pucker was the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid eyes on. Tight, hairless, and ready for my fingers, mouth, and cock. I was gonna wreck that hole by the end of the night, and the boy would walk funny for days. But only after I’d spanked his ass until it was bright red and had the bruises he deserved for his transgressions tonight.
Before I got started, I gripped his ass in my large hands and squeezed until he moaned. I gave him a few light smacks, which hopefully gave him a false sense of security, and then licked my thumb, got it nice and wet, and lightly caressed his pucker before putting gentle, pulsing pressure on it, just shy of penetration.
The mewling whimper he let out at my light touches was unlike anything I’d ever heard a partner make. It was vulnerable and brave, and knowing he was confident enough to allow himself to let go during our first encounter had my dick trying to force its way out of my pants. I had to grip my cock through the fabric to calm it the fuck down.
When I noticed he was swaying and his knees were bending, I wrapped my arm around his middle and tugged until he was sitting on my lap. He turned sideways to face me, a dazed smile on his lips, his eyes blinking slowly. I couldn’t help but smile back. The drugs were kicking in hard.
“I can tell you’re about to fall asleep. But I think I’ll punish you anyway. It will probably keep you awake until I stop, but maybe if I do it just right, you’ll hit subspace and drift off afterwards. Is that still what you want?”
Jules nodded slowly, still smiling. When I lifted a brow, he said, “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good boy. Just to cover our bases, what color are you?”
“I’m the color…fuck yes, Daddy, more, please.”
His grin was so wide and dopey, I chuckled. “Color, boy.”
“Sooo green, Daddy.”
“Good boy. Lie across my lap.”
I scooted back as he scrambled to obey. Once he was in place, I tugged him closer to ensure his upper and lower body were on the bed so he was comfortable for the pain to come. He pillowed his head on his arms, his face flushed and expression dreamy. Goddamn, this boy was stunning in his submission.
“There’s no need to count, just relax. Do you have anything to say before I start?”
“No… Yes…” Smirking, I waited a few seconds until he finally continued. “In the morning, I want to be able to see and feel what you do tonight. Please, Daddy.”
“You don’t need to worry about that. I never leave a boy without something to remember me by. Now, close your eyes.”
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. And just when I was placing my hands on his firm, rough globes and squeezing, he hummed in response and said, “If I don’t remember to say it in the morning, thank you for tonight, Daddy.”
For some reason, my heart constricted at that. I was about to ruin this boy, and even half asleep, he was thanking me in advance. That kind of sweetness was rare and made me want to help him land on his feet. I hated I was getting used to and even hoping to hear him say Daddy. I clenched my teeth, pushing all those thoughts to the back of my mind, where I planned to ignore them.
However, I was unwilling to ignore his words and gave them the attention they deserved. “You’re welcome, Jules.”
Taking a deep breath in and letting it out went a long way towards getting me back into my dominant headspace. My life couldn’t take any distractions, no matter how captivating this boy was. Closing my eyes, I centered myself and began his punishment.