Page 202 of Naughty November

I couldn’t help jerking and whining but I smiled too because I was a glutton for punishment. “No, you can’t do that.”

Barking out a laugh, he sounded wicked. “You wanna bet?”

Yep, he was evil.

And just naughty.

But he needed a distraction or he was going to get feisty and I’d end up tickled and tortured again.

Knowing it was for the greater good, I forced my eyes open. “Can I have a drink of water first?”

Oh, he liked that.

Well, I might not know how I liked all the bits of the scene, but I liked that look on his face. And anything that helped me manipulate Micha couldn’t be scary. That was definitely some kind of rule I’d seen online.

“Yes, baby.” Micha was feeling so sweet he kissed my cheek. “And how about we get you cleaned up?”

I could feel my face heating up but I knew it was for a good cause. “Yes. Thank you.”

It wasn’t perfectly manipulative…I was missing something but I wasn’t sure what. Still, I focused on staying sweet and giving him wide eyes. He hadn’t come yet, so he deserved to get what he wanted until I figured out the rest.

But to make up for whatever wasn’t perfect, I puckered up my lips and silently begged for a kiss. He liked that too. He even made a low, almost growling sound as he inched closer and his lips brushed mine. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

No. I didn’t.

“I’m your good boy and I wanted kisses.” That was better than admitting I had no idea why he was enjoying this part of our scene so much. “Thank you for my water.”

I probably shouldn’t be thirsty but it sounded good and it gave him something to do. He was still very much intaking care of memode even though he was probably still hard as a rock. Yep. I could see the outline of his erection as he got off the bed, but he seemed to be ignoring it, so I decided to be patient.

And cute.

“I’ll be good and wait right here.” Because I wasn’t sure what else I could do while still ignoring the elephant in the room.

My diaper.

It was…full…and heavy and…and it was a diaper.

Yep. I was going to stay on the bed and very still and pretend nothing was weird. That didn’t mean it wasn’t weird but it wasn’t hurting me and Micha’s gaze kept dropping down to it…and he adjusted his dick.

Oh yeah, he liked it.

“Good boy.” He managed to kiss me and walk away without ogling it again, but it seemed like it took a lot of effort.

That made me think…which was always dangerous, but I couldn’t help myself.

When he was safely out of the room, I looked down my body and studied the diaper. It felt like a wet diaper but aside from that it didn’t feel like anything special.

He liked it, though.


Thinking like me wasn’t helping but I could think like Micha.

Okay…I was Micha. I liked…I liked taking care of my sub and I liked making him feel helpless. I liked…I liked it when he was cute. I’d even left the mittens on my sub so I could…so I could pretend he was still helpless.

That all made sense…and even when I wasn’t being Micha, I liked being helpless too. Somehow it made him feel even bigger, which was sexy as fuck.

Him holding me down and cuddling me as he’d tickled me had also made him seem huge in the moment. Just thinking about it was so distracting he came back into the bedroom before I’d noticed how long he’d been gone. “There’s my good boy.”