“I gave you space to work through your thoughts.” His gaze narrowed and he glared at me. I had to remind my dick that it wasn’t supposed to be sexy and he was an idiot if he thought Micha was trying to play with us. “Those plans didn’t work.”
It was me we were talking about and he’d clearly forgotten that part.
“I’m sorry I frustrated you. That wasn’t my intention.” Avoiding the situation we were currently in had been my goal but that’d failed spectacularly. “Would you like to skip jar night and do something else? You’re kind of stressed.”
Understatement of the year right there.
“Do you want a blow job? How about we go get ice cream?” For a guy who looked a bit like a lumberjack and a biker had a baby, he loved sweets, and ice cream was one of his favorite things. “I could go for some chocolate ice cream.”
Oh, he was weakening.
“You could come over and ask me if I’d recommend it.” Raising one eyebrow, I gave him a quick peck. “You were so cute when you first tried flirting with me.”
He’d been adorably awkward when he’d been trying not to make me nervous, but what he hadn’t realized was that he was my walking fantasy, and I’d nearly come just seeing him.
Finally chuckling, he shook his head and tried to glare at me again. “You are not going to get out of this conversation just by looking cute.”
I was certainly going to try.
Wiggling on his lap, I cocked my head and pouted. “Don’t you want to pretend to go on our first date again?”
He snorted. “That was not our first date and you know it.”
“But you’re not going to distract me with that argument either.” And he got me that time, finally glaring again. “Good try, though.”
“Thank you.” Sighing, I crashed into him and curled up so I could rest my head on his shoulder. “It’s been a lot of work.”
“I know.” Rubbing my back, he kissed my head. “So let’s try a new way to handle the situation.”
I had to sigh dramatically again to make sure he knew I wasn’t happy withthe situation, but he just silently chuckled, making his chest jerk. “If you insist.”
“I do.” Leaning back against the oversized couch, he continued to rub my back as he settled in for the duration. It was hiswe’re not going anywhereposition and I knew I’d fucked up when we found ourselves like that. “I think we’re going to try talking through the problem this time.”
Talking sucked.
“If you think that’ll work, we can try it.” Closing my eyes, I pouted and sighed again, but he just ignored me.
He was really good at that when he wanted to be.
“I think it’s worth attempting, so to start, you’re going to explain to me why you’ve been ignoring the jar.” When I just groaned, his chest jerked again. “Alright, simpler question. Do you understand that we both know you’ve been trying to avoid jar night when it’s your turn to pick?”
Okay, that was easier.
“Yeah, I need to work on being more subtle.” It wasn’t my strong suit. “Stop laughing.”
He definitely wasn’t subtle either.
“Sorry.” He managed to control himself and kissed my head. “Let’s try this again.”
He hadn’t forgotten about it yet?
I was toast.