Fingering his ass to keep my spend inside his body a little longer, I take the cleaning wipe and clean any mess I’ve left off the wall. I see his hand appear on the toy. I can only guess he plans to turn it off, and I have the urge to keep him on edge a little longer.
Leaning over, I speak into the hole near his ass so he can hear me. “Leave it on. Find me after if you want to come on Daddy’s cock again.”
Before I can decide to stay and see if he’s fucked in the glory hole again, I walk away. If he wants to see me again, he’ll find me. Using another wipe, I clean myself off and tuck my cock away.
Grabbing water from a dispenser by the raised play space, I don’t go far. I want to see if it was, in fact, Beckett that I fucked. It’s probably wrong to see who leaves an anonymous fuck hole, but I need to know.
The DM goes into the box with another DM, and I stand up straighter. Is something wrong? A woman walks out from between the two glory holes, and I feel my face scrunching up in confusion. I definitely fucked a man, based on the whiteboard. One hole and balls in addition to the sign saying male.
Another man walks up from behind her, and they kiss against the black box, and I realize she must have been in the other glory hole. The first shift is likely over. Both DMs come back out, and I see one clean off the whiteboard.
“Have fun?” Charlie asks from beside me, though I didn’t notice her walking up.
“I did,” I hedge, looking at her from the corner of my eye so I can keep watching for who leaves the glory hole. “You wouldn’t happen to know if it was Beckett in there?”
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” Charlie smirks and turns to the girl on her leash. Sometimes Doms can be brats, too.
Any second now…
The boy I met with Charlie steps out, wobbly on his long, bare legs, and black combat boots. ItwasBeckett.
He’s in a feminine outfit with ‘Slut’ across his chest, pale stomach exposed, with a happy trail leading to a very short plaid skirt. My dick twitches and I know I can go for round two if it’s with him. I want to unlock him and have him ride my dick so I can see and hear his reactions. Make him hold off until I fill him again, then watch him erupt after who knows how long in chastity.
Beckett turns his head back and forth as if looking for someone. His eyes catch on Charlie, and he starts heading her way. Damn, I was hoping he was looking for me. When he exits the space and takes a step our way, he sees me and slows. My breath holds until he smiles and continues toward us, not stopping until he’s standing in front of me.
“You wouldn’t happen to go by ‘Daddy,’ would you?” Beckett smiles and tilts his head to look at me, though he doesn’t meet my eyes.
Smiling back, I resist the urge to reach for him. “Most people call me Daddy Sheldon.”
“Daddy Sheldon. Is that your first or last name?”
“Last, actually,” I tell him. “People usually assume it’s my first name and don’t ask. Last names are rarely shared in the kink scene.”
“I’m Beckett. It’s my last name, because I don’t like my first,” he tells me and sticks his hand out, gaze darting from my lips to my body and back again. I take it as he continues without pause. “Were you the one who just fucked me in the glory hole? Sorry, I’m bad at small talk…and eye contact.”
“It was me,” I admit, keeping his warm, long-fingered hand in mine. “And I don’t mind. I’m ADHD with some autism spectrum, myself.”
Beckett’s eyes finally meet mine and his mouth forms the same perfect O he presented for me to fuck his mouth. “Really? I’m AuDHD too!”
“I knew there was something about you,” I tell him, and we grin at each other, everyone around us disappearing. “Did you enjoy the glory hole, since no eye contact or small talk was required?”
“That part I liked.” Beckett nods and adds another hand to theplace where I haven’t let go, caressing along my thumb and up to my wrist. “But I think I like knowing the person better.”
“Do you want to ride Daddy’s dick, Beckett?”
“Yes, I do…Daddy Sheldon,” Beckett adds, and a shiver runs over me. “And you can be in charge of my chastity key for the night if you’d like?”
“I’d like that.”
Beckett lets my hands go to pull a long metal chain from around his neck, handing it to me to place around mine. I tuck it into my vest and step into his space until we’re an inch apart from head to toe.
“Can I kiss you before we find a place?” I ask, lifting a hand to hover next to his cheek. I can feel the heat, but wait for him to consent.
“Please,” Beckett breathes, closing his eyes and the distance between us. “Touch me.”
Cupping his face in my hands, I let myself melt into his lips. He grips my hips as I taste him, knowing he sucked my dick last. I can taste a hint of my pre-cum on his lips, along with water and something sweet. Licking into his mouth, Beckett presses against me and I can feel the hard shape of his cage against my growing erection.
Reluctantly, I pull back, rubbing his nose with mine until he looks up at me. “Let’s find a flat surface and I’ll decide if I’m going to unlock you.”