Page 107 of Naughty November

“Oh, fuck…” I gasped as my orgasm slammed into me. I rocked against Riley with more force than before, grinding myself against him as I came like I could become one with him. I couldn’t breathe or think or do anything but ride out the aftershocks.

The first thing I became aware of was the mess I’d made of him. Of us. We were both covered in cum and sweat. I released Riley’s arms and he wrapped them around me and tugged me somehow closer. Impossibly so. He buried his face in the curve of my neck and held on to me. Our chests heaved as we caught our breath. We needed a shower. And a drink. And hopefully a conversation.

I reached down and pulled his shorts up, carefully adjusting his still half-hard cock behind them before righting my own pants, regardless of the sticky mess that I’d just trapped in them. I’d change later. For now, I wanted to find a spot on the couch and curl up with Riley and regroup.

I tangled our hands together, weaving our fingers, locking them with mine so he couldn’t slip away. My orgasm had me feeling warm and pleasant. Some people stared at us with open curiosity as I grabbed us a couple of waters and sat down on the couch. I pulled Riley into my lap and he fit against me like we’d sat like this a thousand times.

Riley twisted his bottle open and drank half before stopping. He sucked in a few deep breaths and when I was sure he was getting himself under control, I opened my water and followed his example.

Riley recapped his drink and leaned against me. “That was hotter than it had any business being.”

“Kink doesn’t have to be sex swings and fists and sounds to be erotic. To be unexpected.”

Riley sighed and melted into me a little more. “You make me want to try everything on that list, but also terrified to in case it’s as good as this. Or better. I came so hard I think I lost brain cells.”

“If you’d be willing, I’d love to do other things with you. Let’s see, we knocked thigh riding and dirty talk off the list.”


I smirked and brushed a kiss against his lips. “Oh, sweetheart, I had not even begun to finger you.”

Riley reached down and adjusted himself in his shorts. “Fuck my life, you can’t just say shit like that.”

“Have you ever been fingered like it was the main event and not just the means to an end?” I walked my fingertips down his leg.

“That sounds intense,” Riley answered after a beat.

“All you have to do is ask,” I said, leaving the ball in his court.



The first orgasm of the night had left me feeling wrung out, but now arousal slammed into me again at the idea of having more of Adrian’s attention. Plain and simply put, I was a slut for him.

I should’ve been aware of the things around us. The people. The slap of skin and the moans that weren’t my own sometimes filtered through, but mostly I didn’t notice anything besides Adrian. We were comparable in size, but being held the way I was made me feel smaller. Safe. Incredibly horny.

He waited for an answer, but I couldn’t get my tongue to work. My throat was tight with the fear that I’d call him Daddy again. That I’d crack myself open and let my secret desires spill out for all to see.

Thinking was nearly impossible with the way Adrian dragged his fingertips over my body again and again. Up and down my thigh. My arm. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Caught my chin with deft fingers and turned my head, angling his mouth down for a kiss that tasted like gentle persuasion. Like he’d accept a no, would really appreciate a yes, but would hold neither answer against me. Andmight even be happy to not receive one at all if it meant staying in this moment, with his lips on mine and our heartbeats in sync.

It was that thought that had me pulling away. I gasped a breath of air into my lungs.

“I want that,” I told him, though I trembled like a leaf when I did so. I felt like he could hear the words I didn’t say. I wasn’t sure what my hang-up was, but it felt huge and insurmountable to admit that I’d very much like it if I had someone to call my own. Someone to dote on me and Daddy me. I don’t know why it was hard to confess that I wanted it. Maybe because I craved it so much that having it once felt like it would end me if I didn’t get to keep it.

It’s why I should’ve walked away from Adrian instead of leaning in, but I found myself helpless. Unable to resist the promise of pleasure that he dripped into my ears like honey.

“Are you still comfortable here, or do you want to go someplace more private?”

I didn’t care.

No. That was a lie. I did care. I liked that people could see how much he wanted me. Showing off made me feel good. Powerful. Strong. Wanted.

“I’m okay here.”

Adrian stole another kiss before turning to someone nearby and asking them to pass the lube. It should’ve been embarrassing, but mostly I liked that he wasn’t willing to let go of me to get the lube himself. Me, possessive? Never.

I didn’t have a reason to feel that way about Adrian. A man I’d just met. But there was something about him that called to me. Something in him that spoke to me, whispered to my soul and made it soft. Made wanting this something I was allowed… at least with him.