"Nope," I say, pulling up the article on my phone. "Listen to this: 'Giovanni De Luca: The Heart Behind the Hits. In anexclusive feature, we delve into the life of the NHL's most misunderstood player, revealing a man of depth, passion, and unwavering loyalty both on and off the ice’."
Gio's quiet for a moment, and when I look up, I'm surprised to see emotion in his eyes. "Well," he exhales, "you did it. You managed to make me look human."
I smile, leaning in to kiss him softly. "You were always human to me."
He kisses me back, and for a moment, we forget about the bustling store and all the items on our shopping list.
"In fact, you're more than human. You're my hero," I whisper, pulling him down for a kiss that probably isn't appropriate for the housewares section of Target.
When we break apart, both a little out of breath, Gio's grinning again. "So, does this mean I get to keep the cardboard cutout?"
"Not a chance, hotshot. Now come on, we still need to pick out curtains."
As we debate the merits of various window treatments—apparently, hockey defensemen like Gio have strong opinions on valances—my mind drifts to my next project.
Evan Daniels, the Blades' notoriously grumpy goalie and single dad, has agreed to an interview series.
It's a great opportunity, but there's something else brewing there that's caught my interest.
Hey babe," Gio's voice breaks through my thoughts. "You zoning out on me already? I know curtain shopping isn't exactly thrilling, but…"
"Sorry. Just thinking about the Daniels piece."
"Our Daniels? Goalie Daniels? You're doing a piece on him?"
I nod. "Yep. I thought I told you?"
"Hell no. Babe, if the man were paid to frown, he could retire and buy a damn island. I can't believe you got him to agree."
I shrug, trying to play it cool even though my heart is racing with excitement. "He owes me a favor."
"Must be a huge one. What's got you so distracted about that?"
I hesitate for a moment, then decide to just give up the deets.
After all, no more secrets between us. "It's not just about Evan. It's...well, it's Sophie."
"Sophie? Your intern Sophie?"
I nod. "Yeah. When I told her about the interview series, she got this look in her eyes. And then she said something about how Evan's not really as gruff as he seems, how he's actually really sweet with his kid...I don't know, there was just something in her voice."
Gio's eyes widen as he catches on. "Wait, you think Sophie has a thing for Daniels? Isn't he like, way fucking older than her?"
"Fifteen years. And yes, I think she might have a big crush on the guy. And I'm pretty sure he's not as oblivious to her as he pretends to be."
A slow grin spreads across Gio's face. "Oh no. I know that look. Lexi, no. You are not playing matchmaker."
"I'm not playing anything. I'm just...observing. And if my observations happen to bring two people together..."
"Brookes, I love you, but you need to stay out of this. It's complicated enough with the age difference and the whole intern-player dynamic. Don't make it worse."
I bite my lip, considering. He's right, of course. It is complicated. But then again, so were we. And look how that turned out.
"Fine," I concede. "I won't interfere. Much."
Gio laughs, pulling me close. "That's my girl. Always stirring up trouble."
As we make our way to the checkout, our cart laden with the beginnings of our new life together, I can't help but marvelat how much has changed in just a month. The article's out, painting Gio in the light he deserves.