In the end, I settle for a noncommittal "Sure. After the game."
As I finish getting ready, strapping on my gear like armor, I try to focus on the game ahead. The playoffs. The chance to prove myself, to show that I'm more than just a hothead with a good slapshot.
And as much as it pains me, I have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. For the possibility that Lexi Brookes may not be who she claims to be, after all.
Chapter 18
The arena buzzes with pre-game excitement, but I might as well be underwater for all I'm registering it. I'm here, notepad in hand, ready to do my job. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
But my mind? My mind is still on that yacht, waking up to cold sheets and a breakfast that felt more like a consolation prize than a romantic gesture.
I shake my head, trying to clear it. I have a job to do, and I can't let personal issues get in the way.
But as I settle into my seat in the press box, surrounded by other reporters and hockey fans, I can't help but feel like a fraud. How am I supposed to critique these players on their performance when my own performance as a journalist is falling apart at the seams?
The game starts and I try to force myself to focus on the action on the ice. But I can barely get my pen to move across the page, my mind still stuck on last night.
Mentally, I'm still on that yacht with Gio. Kissing him, touching him, feeling like I was flying.
That is, until Gabi plops down in the seat beside me, effectively dragging me back to reality.
"Hey there, chica. You planning on writing that article telepathically?" she says, giving me a playful nudge. "You do realize there's a game going on."
I blink, forcing a smile. "Sorry, just...focused."
"Focused on what exactly?" She blinks, green eyes widening. "Oh, don't tell me. You're still seeing that Maxwell guy, aren't you? I knew it!"
I can feel my cheeks flushing. Gabi has always been the one person who could read me like a book, and usually she's right on the money. But this time, she couldn't be further from the truth.
"I stopped dating Maxwell months ago," I say, trying to keep my tone light. "Just been busy with work."
"Seriously? That's it? I could have sworn I saw that 'look'?”
"And what look would that be?"
"The one you get when a man is knocking the Sonic coins out of your you-know-what."
"Sonic coins? Really?"
"Hey, I'm trying to keep this PG for any surrounding kiddos. Thank God my own are with Nonna, or they'd start asking what Sonic coins are and why I'm talking about man parts." She shakes her head, laughing. "But seriously, what's going on with you? Something"
My laughter fades as I look away from her piercing gaze, my mind drifting back to Gio and our forbidden rendezvous.
For a split second, I consider telling her everything. About the yacht, about Gio, about the mess of feelings I'm drowning in. But then I remember.
This is Gio's sister. My best friend.
The last person who needs to know I'm falling for her one and only brother. A man she warned me to stay away from years ago.
So, I plaster on a smile and shake my head. "Just nervous about the playoffs," I lie smoothly. "Big story, you know?"
Gabi nods, but I can tell she's not entirely convinced. "Right. Well, try to look a little more alive out there. You're making the interns nervous. Including the one you stole me from me."
"Ah, come on. I didn't steal Sophie. The Blades barely needed her anyway. Besides, she's the perfect PR liaison for the team."
"Sure. When she's not gawking at players or sneaking into the locker room to take selfies with them."