“How’s she doing?” he asks softly, one hand patting my ass. Even still, the man can’t keep his hands to himself.
“Good, I think. She took a few steps earlier and I cried.”
“That’s great. The steps, not the crying.”
“Yeah, well, Valentina told me to knock it off, so I’d better pull myself together.”
“You’re alright, baby. Don’t let Val get to you. I should’ve killed her when I had the chance.”
I smack his arm and shake my head. “Not funny.”
“A little funny.” He pulls me tighter against him and kisses me deeper and slower. I stay right there in my happy place for a few moments before he pulls back again. “I have two surprises for you.”
“Two? What did I do to deserve two surprises?”
“Everything. And nothing really.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out plane tickets. “We’re booked to visit France in two months. We’ll stay for a while, until this house is finished or until you’re sick of staying in five-star hotels and having mind-blowing sex, and then we’ll come home.”
“Sounds like we’re staying in France for a while.”
“That’s the goal.” He tucks the tickets away again.
“What about the second surprise? You said there were two.”
He laughs, steps back, and begins to unbutton his shirt.
I tug at my hair, watching as he reveals his bare chest.
“Well, I mean, I guess we can have sex if that door locks, but that’s not really asurprise?—”
“Mon minou,” he says softly, directing my fingers down his chest, directly over his heart.
Where there’s a new tattoo I’ve never seen before.
My mouth opens in surprise.
It’s the outline of a sleek cat with my name in black down the center. I’m not sure I would’ve noticed it among all the other ink on his skin, but now I can’t see anything else.
Mon minou, my name, right above his heart.
“When did you do this?” I whisper, gently touching. It looks very fresh.
“Last night. I’m surprised you didn’t notice this morning.”
My cheeks turn pink at the memory. “We were busy. And I don’t think I saw much of your chest.”
“True. You were busy facing away.”
I lick my lips and lean forward to kiss the tattoo. He lets out a low rumble before fisting my hair and pulling me against him. He holds me like that, and I feel his heart beating beneath me, beneath my name permanently inked into his skin. Our lives intertwined, joined together, made unassailable.
“Just don’t expect me to get one,” I say, grinning slightly.
“No? I was thinking my name in script on the small of your back.”
“Oh, God. You want your name tramp-stamped on me?”
“Better than across your forehead, which is my second option.”