Page 60 of Fracture

Before I can stop myself, it all comes tumbling out. Levi’s confession that he’s always loved me, the kiss we shared in the kitchen, Dylan’s tearful admission that he’d slept with Levi and the raging desire that unleashed inside me. I even tell them that I locked eyes with Levi while I fucked Dylan, that I let him watch us, that I could see him getting hard while I rode Dylan right in front of him, and I liked it.Fuck, I loved it. Having Levi watch us, his eyes filled with hunger, made me come harder than I ever thought I could.

“I didn’t leave because I was angry,” I say once all the sordid details have come out. “I left because… I liked it. That’s sick, right?”

Zee downs a glass of water, throwing themselves back in their chair, and staring at the table. “Of all the things you were going to tell me, this was not what I was expecting.”

My head drops. “You think I’m disgusting, right?”

Zee’s hand is on my arm, and when I look up at them they shake their head emphatically. “No. Never. Oh my god, I’m just… surprised. That’s all. But I am not disgusted.”

“Levi’s my brother, it’s just sick.”

“Stop saying it’s sick.” Zee squeezes my arm. “It’s not sick. He’s your step-brother, and not even one you grew up with.”

“Dylan was so upset.” I press the heel of my hand to my eye, remembering Dylan’s pleas for me to stay and talk to him. “I hurt him.”

“Girl, you needed a minute.” They cross their arms over their chest, mouth twitching as they watch my face. “So, what you’re telling me is they want each other, and you want both of them, and they both want you.”

“I suppose so.”

“Like, a poly kind of situation?”

I frown at them, considering that term.Polyamorous.“I guess?”

“Well, that’s not really a big deal.”

“How is that not a big deal? People won’t understand.”

Zee laughs, running a hand over their hair. “Girl, listen to me. I’m the asexual non-binary hairdresser in this conservative little white town, you think I have time to worry about what folks understand or not?”

My cheeks flush, and I nod. “Sorry, I probably sound like a spoiled brat.”

“No, you’re just confused, and dealing with all the monogamy propaganda we get fed.” They lean closer to me, smiling softly. “You’re not sick. And the fact Dylan told you openly, even though he knew he might lose you, I mean, maybe this is a good chance for the three of you to talk it out. Really lay out on the table what you all want.”

I narrow my eyes at them. “You’re taking this way better than I expected you to.”

“To be honest, I’m irritated I never picked up on Levi Fenton liking dick.”

I grunt out a laugh. “Oh my god.”

“I’m serious, girl.” They lift their hand and call over the waiter. “My bi-dar is never wrong, and of course Levi fucking Fenton threw it off.” Zee gives their order of an iced tea and some sort of fancy salad to the waiter, and I order a martini to try and give myself the courage to go home and face the two men I love.

“What’s a threesome like?”

Zee grunts as they pour themselves a glass of water. “One second you’re scared of being poly and now you’re asking about threesomes?” They lift their eyes to me with a grin. “Bold of you to assume I’d know.”

“I don’t mean that you’dknow, but like… have you ever talked to someone who’s had one?”

“Yeah. Dylan” They laugh out loud as my face scrunches up, my whole body feeling like it’s going to cringe itself into next week. “Girl, listen to me. Whatever it is you think you want, whatever it is you want this situation to be, I think the guys will be more open to it than you think.”

I look at them with a heavy sigh, staying silent as the waiter brings us our order. When he leaves, I take a swig of my cocktail.

“I hope you’re not going to drive after all this,” Zee says as they start on their food. “I’ll drive your car home, and you get an Uber.”

“What do I tell my family?”

Zee stops chewing, and raises their eyes to me, glaring at me through their eyelashes. “I want you to repeat this mantra to yourself - ‘My family sucks. Their opinions mean nothing to me’.”
