I shake my head, stretching my arms over my head. “I don’t know. Might try and get back into bikes. Only thing I was ever good at.”
“That and dancing.”
An instant flush rises in my cheeks, and I cover my face as Zee begins to laugh loudly. “I danced at that bar forone summer.”
“But what a summer it was.” They shriek as I bunch up a napkin and throw it at them. “I’m serious, you got that Latino Spice, pretty boy.”
“I say this with love, but fuck you. I am no dancer.”
“Stella likes dancing.” Zee’s head bobs back and forth, their eyebrows raised as they look at me. “Just putting it out there, some info for, y’know, future reference. But that’s all you’re getting from me.”
The idea of being in a dimly lit club with Stella and having her grind against me on the dancefloor is enough to have me huffing out a breath and scooping up my glass of water to try and calm down.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be saying that to a guy that was just locked up for 10 years.”
“You think I couldn’t get laid in prison?” I can’t help but laugh a little at Zee’s shocked expression, and quickly wave my hands in front of me. “Nah, kidding,kidding. I didn’t.”
“Better blow off some of that steam before you scare the poor woman.”
I don’t even know how to tell Zee that being in a house alone with Stella and Levi is a certain kind of hell I wasn’t ready for. Knowing they’re a few feet away, barely dressed - it’s enough to keep me awake and jerking off most of the night. I miss the feeling of another person, kissing and touching, the sounds and the heat, fuck it’s torture.
I meet Zee’s gaze and smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out.”
“You always do, Kovac.”
My mother’shouse is just as fucking ridiculous as I remember it being. The gravel crunches under the tires of the bike as I make my way up the long drive, the rose bushes outside in full bloom, the rococo style gold detailing on the balconies and doorways glinting in the harsh summer sun.
It’s so fucking ugly. I always hated this house.
I bring the bike to a stop and climb off, removing my helmet and placing it on the backseat. As I turn towards the front door, it flies open, and my mother bursts out, dressed in her signature blue skirt suit, hair pulled back into a blonde coiffe.
“My darling boy!” She flies at me, throwing her arms around me. “Oh my god, sweetheart.”
“Hi Mom.” I hug her back, trying to show some enthusiasm.
“Why am I only seeing you now?” She pulls back, and I’m surprised to see tears in her eyes. My mother has tear ducts, who knew? “I would have been there for your release, but I was out of town, I’m so sorry.” She looks me up and down, hands on my shoulders. “You look… so grown up. More tattoos.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Not a fan?”
She waves her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. Your father had tattoos too, I can live with those.” She raises her eyes backto mine, the same shade of ice blue as mine. “Where are you staying?”
“With Stella.”
My mother’s face instantly drops. “With whom?”
“Mom, I came here to see you and I don’t want a fight.”
“Levi, you cannot mean that.” She grips my shoulders. “I want you to tell me that you’re joking.”
“I’m not, and I’m not discussing that. I can leave if you prefer.”
“No!” She seems to surprise herself with her outburst, quickly running a hand over her hair, smoothing the imaginary loose strands back into place. She clasps her hands together, and the paparazzi smile is in place. “Sweetheart, please, I’m just happy to see you. I just want us to spend time together. Please.” She gestures to the house with a move clearly rehearsed for a Vogue Living special.
I finally nod. “OK.” I follow her up the sandstone steps and into the marbled foyer. Everything still looks the same, smells the same. “So you sold the other place?”