Finally,finally,we turn onto my street, and I bring the car to a stop in the drive. Dylan and I both clamber out of the car, the books forgotten on the floor. I fumble with the keys as Dylan kisses my neck hungrily, and as soon as we’re inside the door and it slams shut behind us, Dylan has me on the floor, tearing at my clothes.
He yanks down my shirt, his mouth descending on my breast and sucking my nipple between his lips. My back arches off the floor as my fingers claw at his head.
“Oh my god.” I grab at his shirt, yanking it off over his head and dragging him back up to me to kiss him deeply, grinding myself against him.
“Jodidamente hermosa.” Fucking beautiful. The words are a breath against my lips, and he pushes my thighs apart with his hips.
“I love it when you speak Spanish.”
“Te amo.” I love you.
Tears prick at my eyes. This is how it was meant to be, that night. When he held me and peeled my clothes from my body, his eyes discovering me like no one else had before, his hands soft as they explored me. When he’d told me he loved me, and that he was going to be gentle with me.
I hold on to those moments, and push away what happened after. I want to have that moment back,thatmoment that we should have had.
“I love you,” I tell him, writhing under him as I try to shuffle my clothes off. “I missed you so much.”
His mouth moves over my chest, along my collarbone, and just as his hand runs up my bare thigh, the porch door opens and heavy footsteps sound in the kitchen.
I clap a hand over my mouth, and Dylan grunts with frustration. He gets me to my feet, and drags me up the stairs.
“Hey, you guys home?” Levi’s voice sounds from the kitchen, but we don’t answer as we run for my bedroom.
No sooner is my bedroom door closed and locked, Dylan has me pressed against it and drops to his knees, taking my shorts down with him. His mouth is pressed to my pussy, and his tongue pushes me open, seeking out my clit. He groans as he tastes me, and I desperately roll my hips against his face.
“Dylan, oh my god.”
His hand wanders up my stomach, pushing away my tank top to find one of my bunched nipples, and he pinches it hard. My legs go weak at the sensation, and I sag against the door with a moan. His tongue works me harder, and I know it won’t take much for him to make me come like this. He puts one of my legs over his shoulder, and pushes one of his thick fingers inside me. So much for taking it slow.
Just as I’m about to come, he slows down, showering kisses over the lips of my pussy, and I swear I’m going to pass out.
“Dylan, please.” I buck my hips again, desperate to have him back where I need him.
“Lie down on the floor,guera,” he says, taking off the remainder of his clothes as I lie down on my back, my legs practically buckling as I do. He kneels between my thighs, running a hand between my breasts, over my stomach, between my thighs. He sucks in a breath, and raises his eyes to mine. “Slow, right?”
I press a hand to my face and groan. “Oh my god, Dylan,please.”
He lowers his mouth between my legs, and takes his time, his tongue teasing around my clit, not giving me what I want immediately, not until I’m shivering and my legs are quaking on either side of his head. Only then does he press two fingersinside me as he drags his tongue over my clit. I almost scream, biting my lip to try and keep quiet as I hear Levi’s footsteps come up the stairs. But I can’t suppress my loud moan as Dylan sucks my clit between his lips, his tongue lashing me as heat grows and presses in my belly.
I know Levi isn’t far away, I know that he can hear what’s going on, and as I close my eyes and surrender to the orgasm that starts to crest, I imagine him in here as well. I can see his blue eyes as he gazes down at me, as he fucks my throat while Dylan’s mouth continues to drive me closer to my climax. My fantasy roars through me, and I scream against my palm as I pulsate against Dylan’s mouth and around his fingers.
He keeps licking and sucking gently as I ride out my climax on the sun-dappled floor of my bedroom. I’m a gasping, sweaty mess, and he kisses my thighs gently, moving over my hips, my stomach, and as he settles between my thighs, I dare to open my eyes.
Looking into his beautiful face douses me with shame, like an icy shower.
I push against his chest and wriggle out from under him, and the look he gives me makes me want to die.
“Stella?” He reaches for me, but I push his hand away. “Guera, what happened?”
“Please go.” I turn away from him, pulling my legs against my chest. “Just go.”
“I said go!” I press my face to my knees, knowing I’m hurting him, knowing I’m hurting myself, but I can’t look at him. “I need you to leave me alone.”
He sits there for a few seconds, breathing heavy, before he gets to his feet, taking his clothes with him. He doesn’t say a word as he leaves my room, closing the door softly behind him. I dig the heels of my hands into my eyes, willing away the stupidtears that threaten to fall. I’m awful. I’m a fucking horrible bitch, and I have to tell him the truth.
I have to let him go, even though it’ll kill me.