Page 56 of Afflicted

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Why the fuck won’t he just leave me alone? “I have nothing to say to you”

He grabs me, spinning me to look at him. “Babe,please.”

I shove against his chest, trying to get out of his grasp. “Let me go!”

“Juliet, stop it, you’re making a scene!” He shakes me, his eyes wild. “Just shut up and let me talk to you.”

“Fuck off!” I slap at him, trying to push him away, and then arms are around me, pulling me away from him. I spin straight into Silas’s firm chest, looking up into his red eyes. He strokes a strand of hair out of my face.

“You OK?” He asks.

I nod, pressing my forehead against his chest, my whole body going soft with relief. “I just wanted to leave the clinic, and he… He just won’t leave me alone.”

“You’ve been given instructions, mate.” Silas’s tone is hard, authoritative. “I think you were told pretty clearly to stay away from her.”

“I just want to try and explain-”

“I said,” Silas interjects, his arm moving around my shoulders, “you are to stay away from her. You don’t look at her, you don’t talk to her, and you certainly don’t fucking touch her. Have I made myself clear?”

“I just need to talk to her, goddammit!” Matt is shouting now, and I flinch.

“Right, you can go cool off.” Silas calls to a guard nearby and orders them to take Matt away.

I don’t listen to where they’re taking him. I don’t care. As long as it’s away from me, I’m happy. I nuzzle into Silas and try to calm my breathing by focusing on his smell. He smells fresh and clean, like he’s just had a shower. He smells a little like cologne, woody and musky. I like it, it’s soothing. I keep my eyes closed, and focus on him and his warmth.

I realize after a few minutes it’s gone quiet, Matt’s shouts and protests can no longer be heard. I raise my head, looking straight into Silas’s eyes. He smiles down at me, his arm still around my shoulders.

“He’s gone now.”

“Thank you. That just really shook me up. He-he wouldn’t leave me alone. Kept saying he needed to explain.”

“You don’t need to listen to him anymore.” Silas raises his eyebrows. “I’m sorry I didn’t keep a better eye on you. But he won’t be allowed near you. I’ll see about getting him moved away permanently.”

“Thank you.” I laugh softly. “I’m surprised no one’s told you off for touching me like this.”

“I think they all know that you need a little extra care at the moment.” He strokes a finger along my jaw. “We just want you to be alright.”

“The doctor said I should work out, you know, for my mental health.” I say with a sniffle.

“Good idea. I can take you to the gym with me if you like.”

“You wanna be my personal trainer?” I ask with a small smile.

“Sure, anything you need that’ll help.” He brushes a soft kiss against my forehead. “Come on now, let’s get you back to the dorm. You need to rest.”



It’s startingto get dark as I make my way to the makeshift holding cell that holds Juliet’s ex-boyfriend. He ranted and raged for hours before he finally shut up. He’s been calm for a while, so it’s been deemed safe to let him out.

I volunteered to do it.

I unlock the door, throwing it open to find him sitting on the bed at the far end of the otherwise bare room.

“Evening, mate.” I cross my arms over my chest, leaning against the door frame. “How are we tonight?”

“About fucking time,” he snarls, scrambling to his feet. “I can’t believe you left me in here all day.”