“Had fun?” She cocks an eyebrow as she regards me with blatant disgust. “You really don’t learn, do you?”
“Guess not.” I put an arm around Juliet’s shoulders as she covers her face with her hands. “I’m a bit dense that way.”
“Evidently.” Sam’s gaze moves to Juliet. “She should go. We need to have a little talk.”
I swallow hard as I press a kiss to the side of Juliet’s head. “I told you, it was worth it, remember?”
“Go. Now.” Sam’s voice has dropped low.
“You’re going to hurt him!” Juliet drops her hands from her face, her voice shrill as she continues to cry. “If you’re going to hurt him, just kill us both!”
Sam rolls her eyes. “Oh, don’t be so fucking dramatic.”
“Fuck you!” Juliet hisses back, her arms locking around my waist. “You feeders are all the same.”
Sam’s eyes flame and she advances on us, and I step in front of Juliet.
“Hey now, you back the fuck off from her.” I bare my fangs. “I swear to god-”
“Get her the fuck out of here right now, Silas.” Sam’s eyes flicker over my shoulder. “If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll go.”
I turn to Juliet, and meet her eyes, cradling her jaw with my hands. “Go, alright? It’ll be fine.”
Her face is pulled into a defiant frown, and she shakes her head. “No, I’m not-”
I silence her with a kiss, ignoring the scoff that comes from Sam. There’s no point hiding anything now. We’ve been discovered. It’s all over. Sam’s going to turn me in, and that will be the end of me.
“I’m sorry, angel.” I murmur against Juliet’s mouth. “But I need you to go now.”
“I can’t leave you.” Her voice is strained, the words struggling to leave her throat.
“I need you to. Please.”
“Will you two cut the theatrics?” Sam’s arms are crossed over her chest, her booted foot tapping against the floor. “Get her out of here, now.”
“Go. Now.” My voice drops low, and Juliet squeezes my hands one last time before pushing past Sam and running out of the gym.
Sam’s eyes stay fixed on me until the gym door slams home with a heavy thud. She rolls her eyes, leaning against the wall casually.
“Jesus, that was painful.” She shakes her head as she gazes back at me.“You two really got it bad for each other, don’t you? Gonna change your name to Romeo?”
“What does it matter?” I shove my hands in my pockets. “You’re going to turn me in.”
“Am I?” Her coquettish tone sets my teeth on edge. “Now why would I want to do that?”
I scoff incredulously. “You are joking, aren’t you? You’ve been waiting for this moment.”
Sam pushes off the wall, tutting as she takes a few steps towards me. “Now, Silas, you think so little of me?” She looks me up and down, smirking. “I’m hurt.”
“I don’t fucking care.”
She looks up at me, pursing her lips, and I can see in her eyes she’s considering her next move. “You said I was your friend once.”
“Yeah. Guess I was wrong.”
“Oh no, honey. I’m the only friend you have here.” She reaches out to touch my chest, eyes snapping up to mine when I jerk away from her hand. “I’m not going to turn you in.”
“Why not?”