She sighs heavily and fiddles with her cup. “Busy as usual. Lots to bake, customers to serve, cat throwing up.”
“My cat Caspian. He got into something he shouldn’t have and was upset. Hopefully, he won’t end up at the vet.” Shestraightens the sugar jar between us. “I hate leaving him when he’s sick.”
She has a cat. How the fuck did I not know she has a cat? This is not going to help with the domestic dreams. Now I can imagine her cuddled up in bed with her cat and I come in and… I shake myself out of the daydream.
“He’ll be all right. Ella stayed with him until she had to leave for work.” Who’s Ella? Lily must have seen the question in my face and answers, “Flatmate.”
How did I not know she has a flatmate? This is what I mean. Technically, I’m a stalker, but I’m a really bad one. Didn’t know she had a cat, let alone a flatmate. Although, I remember seeing another woman at her flat but didn’t realise they lived together.
She drains her cup and glances at the door. “That’s Ella now.”
“I’ll let you get back.” Not that I want to, but she’ll want an update on her cat and I don’t want her to worry because she’s too polite to ask me to leave. A glance at Ella confirms it’s the woman I saw at Lily’s flat. Jaw-length black bob with piercings decorating her ears.
I stand and stride to the back exit where I drop the deliveries.
“Wait, Leo. I almost forgot.” I turn and see her digging around in a cubby before she emerges with my hoodie. I hadn’t realised she followed me. “You left this here yesterday.”
I flash her a smile. “Thanks for holding on to it for me.”
“Anytime. I’ll see you in a few days.”
I nod and thrust the door out into the cold, replacing the warmth of her with rain—I flinch—and hail, apparently. Once I’m hidden from the elements in my truck, I lift the hoodie to my face and inhale.
Cinnamon and vanilla.
Absolutely never washing it.
I sighas the door slams behind him. Now I won’t see him for a few days. I need to drink in what I can. His dark curly hair and brown skin?—
“He does have a gorgeous ass.”
I jump and whirl around, relaxing when I see who it is. “Jesus, Ella. What are you doing back here?”
“Following you to see what you do when he leaves.” She tilts her head in consideration. “Do you think he’d let you bite it?”
“Ella,” I hiss, shooting a panicked look around the staff to see if anyone heard. Just because they’re my friends doesn’t mean I need them knowing about my teeny-tiny crush.
“What? You know you want to.”
“That doesn’t mean I want my staff knowing.”
Gem laughs behind me. “We already do. Go finish your break and gossip with Ella.”
“Thank you, Gemma. I think we will.” Ella clutches my wrist and drags me through the swing-door.
“What did she mean they already know?” I demand.
“It’s hardly a secret. Sending longing gazes at your delivery driver makes it easy to figure it out.”
She approaches the table where I sat with Leo and pushes me into the seat he was in. It’s pure delusion to think I can smell him. There’s no way through the scent of baked goods, coffee, and customers’ perfumes his wood scent is hanging around. I breathe in deeply anyway and imagine his hands, flecked with what looks like gold and white paint, wrapped around his cup.
Ella sips a drink she must have ordered before sneaking up on me. “You should ask him out.”