Kaya. Damn, is she ravishing. Spectacular. An undeniable force.
For an hour, all I see, all I think about, all Iwantis her.
When Trudie delivers the check, Kaya argues—poorly—when I refuse to let her pay. Breakfast was my idea. This… meeting could have been anywhere and without food involved. It’s only right I pay. At least, that’s what I tell myself when a voice in the back of my head screamsdate.
With the tab settled, I walk her to her car. My fingers twitch at my side, eager to touch her, feel her warmth, make contact with her soft skin. It takes every ounce of strength to curl my hands into tight fists and refrain.
“Thanks for breakfast,” she says when we reach her car. “And a heads-up on what to expect with the kids.”
“My pleasure.” I shove my hands in my pockets. “Glad we got to know each other a little.”
Unlocking the car, she opens the door and sets her purse inside. For a moment, we linger, neither of us sure what to say or do next.
Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, I take a reluctant step back, remove a hand from my pocket, and wave. “Enjoy the rest of your weekend.”
The early June sun shimmers in her eyes, but her radiant smile shines brighter. “You, too. See you in about a week.”
One step, then another, I slowly make my way to my car. As I slip behind the wheel, she pulls out of the parking space and drives toward the exit. And when her car vanishes from view, the bubble of euphoria I’ve been in the last hour pops.
In an instant, reality hits me full force. Slaps me in the face. Reminds me what happened last time I was so smitten with a woman.
Fingers curled around the steering wheel, the leather complains as my knuckles burn. I close my eyes, let my head fall back, and take a deep breath.
Kaya isn’t Brianna.
No matter how many times I repeat it, the truth doesn’t stick. No matter how much I want it to, my mind refuses to believe someone else won’t ruin my life the way Brianna did.
For three years, she told me she loved me. And for three years, I was a goddamn fool.
Irrefutably, Kaya is nothing like Brianna. In every way, they are complete opposites.
But it’s of no consequence.
The last time I handed over my heart, the last time I trusted someone fully, she all but laughed in my face, stole the most important person in my world, and ran off as if it were no big deal. Brianna kept Tucker from me for almost six years—not because she loved him, but because he wasuseful,and she was wretched and self-absorbed.
I despise Brianna for what she did. Refuse to forgive her for the hurt she so carelessly inflicted. With one selfish act, she wrecked our lives. Scarred our futures. Robbed us of countless memories.
An ache blooms in my chest as my pulse throbs in my ears. Sweat dampens my skin as outrage simmers in my veins. The car feels unsteady beneath me as my breath gets caught in my throat.
Breathe, I command myself.Deep breath in for five. Hold it for three. Exhale for five.
I hate how Brianna still has her claws in me. I hate that because of her, I have trust issues. But most of all, I hate how I refuse to let anyone in fully. How I reject happiness, fearing Tucker and I will be hurt again.
Kaya isn’t Brianna.
If I repeat it enough times, maybe I’ll start to believe it. If I repeat it enough times, maybe I’ll learn how to trust again.
“Where the fuck’smy money, Cook?” I rear my foot back, then drive it forward until it meets her rib cage with a sickening crunch.
Face down on the living room rug, her violent coughs echo through the room. She clutches at the spot where my boot made contact but doesn’t otherwise complain.
“I had t-trouble with the last batch,” she says, tone meek as she pushes up from the floor, arms trembling.
“Trouble?” I growl out the single word as I fist her greasy hair and yank her up. A whimper falls from her lips, but I ignore it as I hold her at eye level. “As in you and your buddies smoked all my shit and fucked until you passed out?”