Page 85 of Luke

“They’ve been arrested,” he said in a relieved tone.

Bryce gasped, tears instantly welling up in her eyes. Luke held her tight as she sobbed against his chest, gripping onto his shirt with trembling hands. His hands moved soothingly up and down her back, offering comfort.

“It’s over, baby. It’s finally over,” he murmured reassuringly.

Taking his hand, Bryce led him to the sofa where they both sat down. “Tell me,” she urged.

As she listened to what Sam had told Luke, she covered her mouth in shock as more tears streamed down her face.

“What were they planning to do to me once they got Leah?” she asked in a trembling voice.

Luke shook his head gravely. “We think they were going to kill you, but there’s no evidence of that. But what else could they do?”

“I’m just glad it’s all over now,” Bryce whispered, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.

“Craig said no one else was involved, but Sally Burns was arrested too. She was the one who told them to take Leah.” Luke gently wiped away a tear from Bryce’s cheek with his thumb. “We’re going to be okay.”

“I know we will,” Bryce replied softly before pressing her lips to his.

“I’m sure glad you picked my driveway to go into labor,” Luke said with a playful grin.

Bryce couldn’t help but laugh as she covered her face with her hands. “I was so mean to you.”

Luke chuckled and hugged her tightly. “You were in a lot of pain. Remember how you didn’t want to take your pants off in front of me? My, how times have changed,” he teased, earning a playful punch on the arm from Bryce.

She looked at him and winked. “I’d drop my drawers for you anytime.”

Luke burst out laughing. “Right back at you, baby. Forever.” He kissed her lips, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

After taking Leah’s bassinet to the spare room, he reentered Bryce’s bedroom, softly closing the door behind them.


A few days later, Luke pulled into the driveway, then stopped at the porch. He noticed an SUV parked there and hoped he wasn’t imposing.

“I think he has company. I should have called first,” Luke said, then he saw the door open, and Fred Hancock stepped onto the porch with a beautiful woman with brown hair. Luke opened his door.

“I didn’t realize you had company, Fred. We can come back another time.”

“Nonsense. Come inside.”

Luke nodded, looked at Bryce, and smiled. “Come on. I’ll get Leah.”

Bryce opened her door and exited the truck. She smiled at the older man and the woman standing beside him.

They walked up the steps. and Luke shook Fred’s hand and nodded at the woman.

“I didn’t know you had a child, Luke,” Fred said.

“Actually, I don’t… yet. Once Bryce and I get married, I’m adopting the baby. This is Leah and her mama, Bryce Spencer. Bryce, this is Fred Hancock, and?”

“This is my daughter-in-law, Maggie Lancaster. It doesn’tmatter to me if she’s not married to that son of mine anymore, she will always be family. Maggie, this is—”

“Agent Luke McCallister,” Maggie interrupted, then shook Luke’s hand.

“Maggie, it’s nice to finally meet you. I really appreciate your help on the case.”

“I’m glad I could help and thank you. If I hadn’t talked with you, I wouldn’t have decided to visit Dad.” She smiled as she squeezed Fred’s arm.