“He’s quite handsome.”
“Hey now.”
“I’m just teasing. But seriously, Deputy Townsend is also attractive, and don’t even get me started on the sheriff.” She fanned herself. “Why did Nevada leave the agency?”
“To make a long story short, he was shot while not wearing his vest, which is against protocol. He had to go through an inquisition and knew they were going to fire him, so he resigned first. But he loves being a deputy now.”
“I’m glad he’s okay.”
“He almost died. The bullet was close to his heart.”
Bryce gasped. “Oh my! Thank God he survived.”
“We were all relieved.” Luke handed her a burger.
“Thank you.” She unwrapped it and took a bite, savoring the flavor. “I’m definitely going to gain weight from this.”
Luke chuckled. “I’m sure we can find ways to work it off.” His expression turned serious again. “Tell me more about the man you saw.”
As Bryce described him, Luke clenched his jaw and swore under his breath.
“I saw him. I actually talked to him.” He shook his head.
Bryce’s eyes widened in disbelief. “When?”
“Before I made the trip to Whitefish the first time. I shared an elevator with him at the department. He was tall but not as tall as me, with a sharp jawline and brown eyes that seemed to look right through me. He asked me if that was where the police department was, nodding at my gun. I didn’t get a good vibe from him but thought maybe I was wrong. Damn it. I always trust my gut. Well, most of the time. Shit.”
“Why would he be there though?”
“Probably looking for information on me. He had to have seen us together and wanted to find out what he could about me. I’d bet a year of my salary that he was working for Burns.” Luke stood up. “I’m going to call Sam to give him a better description.There’s a camera in the elevator.”
“Alright, but eat first, Luke. Please.”
“Bryce, I have to call Sam first. Just give me a minute, please.”
“Okay, but I’m not waiting for you,” she said before she took a bite of her burger.
After hanging up with Sam, Luke sat on the sofa, set his phone down, and reached for his burger, but his phone buzzed again. He picked it up to see Creed’s number.
“Hey, Creed.”
“Hey. I know about what’s going on with you Luke, but I thought you’d want to know that we found the Shires. All fifteen in perfect condition.”
“Man, that is great news. Where are they?”
“In Whitefish at an abandoned ranch. Killian and I are making the trip tomorrow.”
“That’s fantastic, Creed. I’ll call Mr. Hancock and let him know.”
“Alright. Hey, you be careful. I mean it.”
“I will, Creed. Thanks again.” Luke hung up and looked at Bryce. “The horses were found and they’re fine. After we eat, I’ll call Mr. Hancock.”
He sat down beside her, kissed her lips, and was happy that Mr. Hancock would get his horses back. Now, if they could just get to Burns and the man working for him.
Chapter Twelve