Page 72 of Luke

Once inside, she leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths, and trying not to hyperventilate.

“Are you alright?” a woman asked her.


“You don’t look it. Come with me.”

“I’m fine, I have to get to work.”

“What department do you work in?”

“I’m a phlebotomist. I just started Monday. I can’t be late.”

“Please, come into my office and take a seat. You look like you’re going to pass out.”

Bryce nodded and followed the woman into an office. She sat down but couldn’t stop shaking.

“I’m Piper Griffen. What’s your name?”

“Bryce Spencer.”

“Rita is your boss, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Piper picked up the phone from her desk and made a call. Bryce didn’t hear a word she said because her heart was beating so hard.

“Rita is on her way. Is this your daughter?” Piper smiled.

“Yes, this is Leah. She’s three months old.”

“She is beautiful. I’m one of the administrators here. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Yes, ma’am. You too.”

“Bryce, are you alright?” Rita asked as she entered the room.


“No, something’s wrong. What is it? You can tell us. It will go no further.”

Bryce took a deep breath and told them about Mick. When they didn’t say anything, she looked at them to see them looking at each other. They didn’t believe her. She got to her feet.

“I need to get Leah to daycare.”

“Bryce, honey, sit down. Take some deep breaths. You’re safe inside the hospital,” Rita said. “Let’s get your coats off.”

Bryce looked at them as she removed her coat, then took Leah’s off her. “You believe me?”

“Of course, we do,” Piper said. “We have both been there.”

“I’m so scared he found me. He’ll try to take Leah.”

“I think we need to call Sam and let him know.”

“Who is Sam?” Bryce asked.

“The sheriff.”