“Oh, God,” he muttered, then laughed.
“I don’t think I can move,” Bryce said, laughing.
“How about a shower together?” Luke suggested with a grin.
Bryce’s face lit up with excitement. “I would love that.”
Luke clasped his hands behind his head as he watched her slip into his T-shirt. “You look gorgeous in my shirt, baby, you didn’t need to put it on. It’s not like I haven’t been over every inch of you.”
She turned to face him, lifting the collar of the shirt to inhale deeply. A smile crossed her lips as she exhaled. “It smells like you. Come on, cowboy, let’s shower.”
Luke’s grin widened as she left the room, then he got himself up and followed her.
After their shower, they returned to the living room and Bryce walked to the window. Luke heard Bryce gasp in excitement.
“What is it?” he asked, turning to see her looking out the window with wonder.
“It’s really snowing,” she said in awe.
Luke joined her at the window and saw the fluffy white flakes falling from the sky. “Damn. I think we need to get Leah.”
“I agree,” she said, biting her bottom lip.
As they stood by the window, the icy pellets began to ping off the roof of the house. Luke sighed.
“We need to get moving,” he said reluctantly.
Bryce nodded in agreement, knowing that it was dangerous to drive in these conditions with a baby in tow.
“I hate that you’ll have to bring us back here.”
“I’ll be fine, but we should probably leave soon before it gets worse,” Luke suggested, already making his way toward the door.
“You can stay with me if you need to when we come back,” Bryce offered with concern etched on her face.
“Thank you, darlin’, but I’ll do my best to get us there, safely. Don’t worry, I promise we’ll make it,” Luke reassured her with areassuring smile. “But if the roads are too bad, I’ll just sleep on your couch.”
“Okay,” Bryce agreed reluctantly as they made their way outside and into Luke’s truck which was covered in a layer of ice.
“I don’t like this,” Bryce said nervously as she climbed into the passenger seat.
“I’ll get us there safely,” Luke promised confidently. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
She held onto his hand tightly as he started the truck and drove out of town toward his parents’ place, determined to get them there safely before the storm worsened.
Bryce gripped the handle above the door as the truck slid on the icy road.
“I hate the thought of you driving in this, Luke.”
“Yeah, I agree. If I can’t make it home after we come back with Leah, I’ll stay. At least I’ll be close to the office.”
“You’ll walk in this weather? With all the ice?”
“I’ve faced worse.” He chuckled.
“I can’t imagine how bitterly cold you’d be.”