Page 36 of Luke

“Hey, Luke. How are you?”

“I’m great Trent. You?”

“Same. We’re heading to the Hartland for dinner later.” Trent grinned.

Luke picked up his coffee and took a sip. “I hope you have a nice evening.”

After Lanie set his lunch on the counter, she removed her apron, walked to the kitchen and returned wearing her coat. Trent took her hand, touched his hat, then led her out the door.

Luke took out his phone and dialed his mother’s number.

“Hi Mom.”

“How are you doing, honey?”

“I’m good. Would you be able to watch Leah—”


Luke chuckled. “I didn’t even get to ask.”

“I love babies and if I keep waiting for you and your brother to give me grandchildren, who knows how long I’ll have to wait.”

“I want to take Bryce to Walton’s. She said she liked how you had decorated for St. Patrick’s Day and now she wants to. I told her how you decorate for every holiday.”

“I can do it whenever you want, just let me know.”

“Thanks, Mom. It will probably be this weekend. I’ll talk to her in a little while. I’m at the diner right now.”

“Alright, call me later. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

After finishing his meal, he paid the bill and left the diner. He walked around to the back of the building and climbed the stairs to Bryce’s apartment. He hoped she wasn’t taking a nap. He knocked on the door but there was no answer, so he didn’t knock again in case she was sleeping. As he turned to head back down the stairs, he heard the locks turning and then the door opened. His heart raced when he saw Bryce smiling at him.

“Hey, come on in.” She held open the door for him.

He took off his hat and wiped his feet on the doormat before entering her apartment.

“I wanted to let you know that my mom said she’d be happy to watch Leah while we go to Walton’s. So, whenever you’re ready to do that, just let me know.”

“Is Saturday, okay?”

“That works for me.” Luke looked over Bryce’s shoulder and saw Leah happily sitting in a chair.

“Where did you get that?” he asked with a grin.

“Connie got it for me as a gift. It’s called a baby bouncer androcker chair. Leah loves it.”

“Well, I was close thinking ‘some kind of bouncy thing’.”

Bryce laughed. “You definitely have some learning to do when it comes to baby things.”

“Hey, I’ve never had a kid before, so I don’t know half of what things are called.”

“It’s my first time too, so we’re both learning. Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“No thanks, I just ate and have to get back to the office.”