“I might stay here. I don’t think Mick could find me here.” She nibbled on her bottom lip.
“Do you really think he’d hire a private detective?”
“I have no doubt. He probably already has. He is not getting my daughter. I didn’t list him as the father on the birth certificate but if he wants a paternity test done…” She sighed. “I’m so afraid he could take her. He makes a lot of money, and I don’t even have a job.”
Luke touched her hand. “Money isn’t everything. He didn’t want her, and he only does now because his wife does. She has no right to Leah. At all.”
“I know, but he could make it sound like he does. I’m so scared to lose her, Luke.”
“That’s not going to happen. We’ll do all we can to help you. If you stay, you can get a job. Maybe at the hospital or a doctor’s office.”
“Connie said the hospital has a free daycare for their employees.”
“Do they? Well, that would be good for you then.”
“I think so too. We’ll see.”
When he pulled into a driveway, she sat up and looked at the beautiful home.
“It’s gorgeous,” she said.
“It was a great place to grow up. My parents have lived here since they got married. My grandfather, on my mother’s side, gave them the land as a wedding gift. My dad built the househimself.”
“It’s just so pretty. I love farmhouses.”
Luke parked beside the porch. “I see Beau and Brenna are here. Good thing.” He chuckled.
“Why is it a good thing?”
“We are to be here every Sunday, no excuses. If we don’t show, my mother will not be happy, and no one wants to piss her off.”
Bryce laughed. “I can’t wait to meet everyone.
“Well, then, come on. Let’s get inside where it’s warm. Do you want the car seat in there?”
“If you don’t mind. I need to be able to put her down after she eats.”
Luke chuckled. “I have a feeling my mom and Brenna won’t let her down too often.”
Bryce laughed. “No problem.”
They stepped from the truck, gathered up everything, and entered the house. The smell of the food cooking about brought her to her knees.
As soon as they entered the kitchen, Luke’s mother came forward to look at the baby.
“Oh, she is so precious,” she said.
“Mom, this Bryce Spencer and her daughter, Leah Grace. Bryce, my mother, Lisa McCallister,” Luke introduced them, as he set the car seat on the center island.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. McCallister. Thank you so much for allowing us to join you today.” Bryce smiled.
“Please, call me Lisa, Bryce. We’re happy to have you. Is it alright if I take her out of the car seat? I want to hold her.” Lisa smiled.
“Of course, you can.” Bryce removed her hat and coat. Luketook them and hung them up, then removed his.
“What do you have there, hon?”