The door opened and he entered with a smirk on his face.
“I didn’t get too far. If the offer to stay is still available, I’d love to.”
“Of course, it is. You rescued me, so I’ll rescue you.” She grinned.
Luke chuckled as he removed his hat and coat then hung them up. He looked at the baby.
“Hey, baby girl,” he said.
Bryce watched Leah turn her head in his direction. His voice got her attention. Well, she was a female after all. His voice got her attention too.
“Your voice caught her attention.” Bryce smiled.
“I’m still amazed by her hair. It’s as dark as a raven’s wing, just like yours.”
“Well, your hair is also dark,” Bryce replied.
“It’s dark, but not as black as yours or hers.” He tilted his head to the side. “Could I get another cup of coffee? I was freezing out there.”
Bryce let out a snort of laughter. “Of course. Could you hold her for a minute?”
“Me?” Luke asked in surprise.
“Is there someone else here I’m talking to?”
Luke narrowed his eyes. “If I knew you were such a smartass, I wouldn’t have helped you.”
“Oh please, you know you love it. Just take a seat and I’ll hand her to you. Keep her head up against your arm. But make sure she keeps drinking from the bottle. I’m going to make myselfsome coffee too.” She motioned for him to sit down.
Luke sat on the sofa and looked up at Bryce. She almost burst out laughing when she saw him swallow hard. She placed Leah in his arms and gave him the bottle before walking to the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, she won’t break.” Bryce made two cups of coffee and placed Luke’s on the coffee table. “Do you want me to take her back now?”
“No, I got this,” he said with a grin. “She acts like she’s starving.”
“I know, but trust me, she eats plenty. After she’s done with the bottle, you can change her diaper.” Bryce lifted the cup to her lips to hide a grin, but she couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Luke’s face.
“No way,” he protested.
“Chicken,” Bryce teased.
“Damn right.”
“How old are you, Luke?”
“I’m forty-one. And you?”
“Thirty-five. I always thought I would have kids earlier in life.” Bryce sighed.
“Where’s the father?”
“In Minnesota, hopefully.”
“Hopefully? Why’s that?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Well, I’ve got time,” Luke said with a grin.