“I was born and raised in Seattle.”
“How did you end up in Minnesota?”
“How did you know I was from Minnesota?”
“The tags on your Blazer.”
“Ah. I see. Well, I ended up there for a job, but I wanted to get out of Minnesota.” She shook her head. “I wish I had waited a little longer,” she murmured. “I didn’t think about going into labor. I wasn’t due for two weeks,” Bryce said.
“You’re lucky Luke came along, or you didn’t stop on a deserted road.” Beau smiled.
“That’s so true. You, him, and Connie, have been wonderful and you don’t even know me.”
“It’s just how people around here are.”
“That’s what Luke said.” She tilted her head. “He told me he was a livestock agent. Are you?”
“Yes, ma’am. We’re fifth generation of livestock agents.”
“That’s impressive. I’m sure you’re both appreciated for whatyou do.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Before they could continue their conversation, the door opened, and Luke entered carrying a white bag with the words “Clifton Diner” written on it in red, along with a couple bags from her SUV. He placed the lunch on the coffee table, and then set the bags containing the baby’s things on the floor. Bryce’s attention immediately turned to the delicious scent coming from the bag.
“Oh my God, that smells amazing!” Bryce exclaimed as she reached for the bag and opened it to take a whiff. “If it tastes half as good as it smells, it will be unbelievable.”
“It definitely does,” Luke confirmed with a grin. He then turned to Beau and said, “Ready to go?”
Beau stood up with a nod. “Yeah, I should probably head home to shower before taking my gorgeous wife out for dinner.”
“She is indeed gorgeous. I just don’t know what she sees in you,” Luke said while shaking his head playfully at his brother.
Bryce chuckled. “I can tell you two are brothers.”
“Well, we’ll head out. If you need anything, Bryce, please don’t hesitate to call or text me,” Luke said.
“I will. Thank you for everything. Both of you.”
Beau and Luke said their goodbyes and walked out, closing the door behind them.
Bryce couldn’t help but feel grateful for the kind and helpful nature of the brothers. They didn’t have to do anything for her and Leah, yet they went above and beyond to make sure they were taken care of. She was also excited to meet Connie, the woman who had generously let her and her daughter stay in this nice little apartment with no expectations in return. It was refreshing to see that people like Luke, Beau, and Connie still existed in this world.
She removed the foil-wrapped burger from the bag andplaced it on the coffee table before opening it up and taking a deep appreciative breath of its aroma. The onion rings looked homemade, and she picked one up, took a bite, and immediately moaned at its deliciousness.
“Oh my God, this is so good!” she exclaimed. “Connie, I don’t know you yet, but you are an amazing cook.” She then picked up the burger, took a bite, and moaned once again. It was hands down the best burger she had ever tasted. “You better hope we don’t stay here too long, or I’ll end up gaining fifty pounds from all this amazing food.”
After finishing her meal, Bryce tossed the trash into the kitchen bin before returning to the living room to check on her daughter who was fast asleep. She knew she would wake up soon for her feeding. Walking back to the kitchen, she unpacked the bags containing Leah’s essentials and put them away. She still couldn’t believe that Connie had stocked the kitchen with everything they could possibly need. What a wonderful person she must be.
Bryce was in a deep slumber when she heard the faint fussing of her daughter. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was time for Leah’s next feeding. She tossed back the covers and made her way to the bassinet, carefully lifting her precious bundle and settling her on the bed. After changing her diaper, Bryce cradled Leah in her arms and carried her to the kitchen, turning on the lights as they entered.
The sudden brightness caused Bryce to squint as she reached into the fridge for a bottle. She deftly unscrewed the top, removed the nipple cap, and placed it in the microwave before setting the timer. As Leah continued to cry, Bryce held her close, murmuring soft words to soothe her until the bottle was ready.
Once heated, Bryce assembled the bottle and guided it gently to Leah’s mouth. The baby girl eagerly suckled away while Bryce chuckled in delight. “You must be quite hungry,” she cooed.
After finishing the bottle, Leah drifted off to sleep once again. Bryce carefully carried her back to their bedroom and tucked her into the bassinet. As she gazed down at her sleeping daughter, a single tear escaped her eye as she prayed that Mick would never find them. She knew he would do anything to take his baby from her, but she was determined to protect Leah with every ounce of strength she had.
The following morning, Bryce stumbled into the kitchen to make herself a much-needed cup of coffee when there was a knock on the door. Panic gripped her momentarily before she remembered that Mick had no idea where they were. Still cautious, she approached the door and peered through the peephole, relieved to see an older woman with blonde hair and realized it must be Connie.