Page 12 of Luke

Luke explained about the apartment above the diner and how Connie had offered for her to stay there.

“But I can’t afford rent. I don’t have a job. I have money, but I don’t know how much I’ll need,” Bryce protested.

“You don’t need to worry about that right now. Connie will let you stay there as long as you need. You’ll understand when you meet her. She’s an amazing woman, and everyone in the community loves her,” Luke reassured.

“But I can’t stay there for free,” Bryce insisted.

“She won’t take money from you. She’s incredibly generous,” Luke said firmly.

“It just doesn’t feel right.” Bryce shook her head.

“Well, you don’t really have a choice,” Luke pointed out.

“True. But could you do me a favor and pick up some food for me? I can give you my debit card.”

“Sure thing. And what about baby stuff?”

Bryce laughed. “Baby stuff? Don’t worry, I have everything we need in the back. Two bags full of… baby stuff, from formula to bottles and diapers. I made sure to be prepared. I just never expected to get stranded and have a baby in my car in the middle of winter. It’s freezing.”

“Well, that’s to be expected near the Glacier Mountains. This time of year, is always cold and snowy around here.” He glanced at her. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Just a little sore.”

Luke nodded as he drove her SUV down Main Street and pulled up behind the diner. He stopped next to his truck and saw Beau step out.

“Stay here. I’ll go unlock the door, so you won’t have to wait outside in the cold with the baby.”

“Thank you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Luke grinned, got out of the vehicle, and walked toward Beau.

“That’s a lot of stairs for her to climb,” Beau said.

Luke looked at the stairs and nodded. “Yeah, it is. I’ll carry her, and you get the baby.”

“Why don’t you get the baby, and I’ll carry her?”

“Man, I have no idea how to handle babies,” Luke muttered.

“You think I do?” Beau raised an eyebrow.

“Let’s settle this with rock-paper-scissors.”

“Fine, but you know I usually win, so why don’t you just get the baby?”

“We’re doing this fairly.”

They turned their backs to Bryce in the SUV so she wouldn’t see them, then played the game.


Bryce sat in the vehicle, her mind racing with curiosity as she watched Luke and Beau converse outside. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of dread at the thought of climbing the daunting steps that led to a stoop. Her eyes followed Luke as he shook his head and headed back toward the car.

As he opened the passenger side door, Bryce hesitated before speaking up. “What are you guys talking about?”

Luke turned to face her with a smile. “Since there are so many steps, Beau is going to carry you, and I’ll carry the… baby.”

Bryce furrowed her brow, unsure if she liked the idea. “I can walk up some of them though.”