Page 84 of Luke

“And if they cross illegally, we’re screwed.”

“Unfortunately, just like people coming in from Mexico, there are ways to cross a border illegally.” Sam let out a sigh. “I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything. How’s Bryce holding up?”

“She’s scared, but I reassured her that we don’t think they’ll stick around here.”

“Okay, keep me posted.” Sam hung up.

Luke let out a frustrated sigh before heading to his desk in the office. He took off his hat and coat and hung them up before sitting down.

“Hey Luke, want a donut?” Beau offered, holding out a box toward him.

Luke peered inside but shook his head. “No thanks.”

“But you love donuts.” Beau frowned.

“I just don’t have an appetite right now. I... changed a diaper this morning,” he said with a mock shudder, causing Beau to burst out laughing.

“I can only imagine.”

“Just wait, big brother. Your time will come.”

Beau mimicked Luke’s shudder. “I know.”

Both men laughed before getting back to work.

Luke sat at his desk, engrossed in another case. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He picked it up and saw Sam’s name on the screen.


“We got them.”

“That’s fantastic! How did you do it?”

“Craig turned himself in to the in MSP. He offered to spill everything in exchange for a lighter sentence. It turns out Burns hired him to find Bryce and the baby, but things got complicated when Burns’ wife demanded they do it fast or she’d make his life miserable. There are records of numerous calls and incriminating text messages between Craig and Burns, and their phones were even pinged in different states while communicating. Burns isn’t talking, but his wife will also face charges as an accomplice to kidnapping.”

“Thank God. Have you told Bryce yet?”

“I thought you might want to do that.”

Luke could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. “I do. Thank you so much, Sam.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you soon.” Sam hung up.

Feeling relieved and ecstatic, Luke put down his phone and raised his arms triumphantly. “Yes!”

“Did they catch them?” Beau asked.

“Yes, that was Sam. It’s finally over.”

The other agents cheered and congratulated Luke on the resolution of the case. He couldn’t wait to see Bryce and tell her the good news in person during lunchtime. Today just got even better.


Bryce stood by the window, gazing out at the street below. The sun was shining brightly, making it a perfect April day. However, her thoughts were interrupted when she saw an SUV cruiser pull out of the diner parking lot. She checked the clock and noticed it was noon.

A loud knock on her door, causing her to cautiously make her way toward the entrance. She peered through the peephole, half expecting to see another deputy at her doorstep. But instead, shewas surprised to see Luke.

She quickly unlocked the door. He removed his hat, and wiped his feet on the welcome mat, before stepping inside Without a word, he pulled her into his strong arms and kissed her deeply, emotions running high between them. He then pulled back with a gentle smile on his face.