Page 83 of Luke

Luke went to answer it, peeked through the peephole, then unlocked the door and opened it.

“Hey, Luke.”

“Good morning, Logan. Please come in.”

Logan entered and greeted Bryce with a warm smile. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, deputy. Would you like some coffee?”

“No thank you, I have my own thermos. I just wanted to let you know I’m here. If you need anything, call or text me.”

“I appreciate that, thank you.” Bryce returned the smile.

Logan gave a small nod before leaving and closing the door behind him. Bryce turned to Luke.

“I wish you could stay with me. The thought of Mick out there somewhere is unsettling.”

“Don’t worry, he won’t come near this place. He’s on the run.”

“If that’s the case, why do we need so much protection?”

“We can’t take any risks. Sam is certain Burns won’t riskshowing up here, but we can’t be sure if anyone else is working with him. I should get going now. I’ll try to stop by later.”

“Don’t worry if you can’t make it. I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will.” Luke kissed her softly before heading to the hall tree to grab his hat and coat. After one last kiss, he walked out of the door.


Luke rushed down the metal stairs, waving at Logan as he passed by. He hopped into his truck and drove to the office. As he entered the building, he greeted the receptionist with a smile before heading to the elevator. Just as he stepped inside, Reece Maddox joined him.

“Hey Luke,” Reece said.

“Morning Reece. How’s Rissa and that little boy?” Luke couldn’t help but grin when Reece smiled in response.

“They’re both doing great. I heard you caught the guy responsible for stealing the Shires.”

“I did. Creed and Killian are on their way to retrieve them.” The elevator stopped on their floor.

“That’s good news.”

Luke nodded, but then his phone buzzed in his coat pocket. It was Sam.

“I need to take this,” Luke told Reece.

“Of course.” Reece stepped out of the elevator and headed toward the office, while Luke exited, then leaned against the wall.


“The man we’re after is named Harold Craig. He’s a P.I. from Minnesota,” Sam informed him. “We ran his picture through facial recognition and got a hit from Detective Wilkerson at MSP. We’ve been tracking his and Burns’ phones, but they seem to have ditched them and bought burners.”

“Damn it.”

“Their last known location was in Minnesota, headed north.”

“Canada,” Luke muttered.

“Yep, that’s what they think too. But we’ve alerted authorities there, so hopefully they’ll be caught before they can enter Canada or disappear. If they try to enter legally, they’ll need US passports and being fugitives, they’d be stopped at the border.”