Page 8 of Luke

“Not yet. I’ll figure it out once they release me. Luke said he would check around for me.”

“Who’s Luke?” Brenda asked.

Bryce explained how he helped deliver the baby.

“You let a stranger help you? What is wrong with you, Bryce?”

“I didn’t really have a choice. I was in labor in the back of my car in his driveway. I don’t know what I would have done without him.” She sniffled.

“So, what’s your plan now?”

“I honestly don’t know. I’ll have to see what Luke finds for me.”

“Is he married? Maybe his wife would let you stay with them for a bit.”

“I have no idea if he is or not. I didn’t ask and I didn’t look for a wedding ring. I’m just scared I’ll end up living in my car, Brenda.”

“I wouldn’t want you to do that, but I sure don’t have room for you and a baby.”

“I couldn’t get there even if youwerekind enough to take us in,” Bryce snapped.

“Don’t get angry with me. You’re the one who put yourself inthis position.”

Bryce gritted her teeth at her sister’s tone. Why she called her, she had no idea. They had never gotten along, but Bryce always tried. Brenda couldn’t care less.

“I’ll look Clifton up on my phone. Give me a second.” Bryce searched for the little town and smiled when she found information about it. “Oh, it looks like it’s mostly known for its shopping and ranches for all kinds of activities. But there is a guest ranch in the next town over. The Clifton Bed and Breakfast brings in people from all over the country, and there are some small businesses that sell a lot of products. It sounds like a charming place. I’m looking at photos now. It says the three towns of Clifton, Spring City, and Hartland, get thousands of visitors every summer. So, why aren’t there vacancies if it’s just the summer months?”

“Are asking me? I sure as hell don’t know.”

Bryce clenched her jaw to keep from snapping at her.

“Call that guy again. Maybe he’ll find something.”

“His name is Luke, and no, he said he’d call me and I’m not going to bother him.”

“Well, you might not have a choice if you get released.”

“I do have to check with Luke about my car. He said he’d get it to the hospital.”

“Well, there’s a reason to call him now; to find out if he did, but you shouldn’t drive at all. Call the father of the baby.”

“Not in this lifetime. I have to feed Leah. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Okay. Bye.” Brenda hung up.

Bryce placed her phone on the bedside table and tried not to cry. She loved Brenda because she was her sister, but as a person, she just didn’t care for her at all. What in the world was she going to do?


Luke walked into the diner and saw Beau sitting at the counter. He sat down beside him and let out a sigh.

“Any luck?” Beau asked.

“No, both places are full. I don’t know what she’s going to do.”

“Hey there, boys. What can I get for you?” Connie greeted them with a smile.

“Just my usual, please,” Luke replied.