“Yeah, sure. Let’s meet at the diner around one o’clock.”
“Works for me. I have some errands to run anyway. See you then.” Beau walked out of the room.
After calling the Dalton hotel, in Clifton, and the motel in Hartland, he placed his phone on the desk, and swore.
He had no idea what he could do to help her, and he had told her he would.
“Damn it,” he muttered.
“Something wrong, Luke?”
He looked to see Eli Hawkins taking a seat in the chair across from his desk.
“I’m trying to find a place for Bryce to stay.”
“Bryce? Is that the woman you helped deliver her baby?”
“Yes. I told her to contact me if she needed anything. Well, she can’t travel for at least two weeks, maybe longer since she wants to travel to Seattle, and there are no vacancies anywhere.”
“Not even the Dalton or the motel in Hartland?”
“No. Both are full. People are probably stranded from the storm.”
“I’m sorry, I wish I knew how to help.”
“It’s alright, Eli. I’ll figure it out.”
“You have plenty of room at your place.” Eli stood, grinned, and walked to his desk.
Taking a deep breath, he called Bryce back, but she didn’t pick up. She could be busy with the baby or a doctor. He’d call her after he had lunch.
Pushing the chair back, he got to his feet, picked up his hat, and coat, then left the offices to meet Beau at the diner. He had no idea how he was going to help Bryce.
Bryce held her daughter close as she fed her while watching TV. A nurse stopped by to check on them and gave Bryce the news that she would likely be discharged tomorrow. While she smiled at the thought of leaving, panic filled her as she realized she had nowhere to go. As soon as the nurse left, Bryce fought back tears. She was stuck in Montana with no friends or family nearby. Thinking about her sister, she grabbed her cellphone and called her.
“Hey, Brenda. I’m in Clifton, Montana.”
“What are you doing there?”
“My GPS suggested taking a shortcut through town. Well, turns out I went into labor and now I’m here at the hospital with my baby girl.”
“You had the baby? What did you name her?”
“Leah Grace,” Bryce replied.
“How did you pick that?”
Bryce sighed. No matter what she did, her sister always had to make some kind of comment.
“I just thought it was pretty.”
“When can you travel?”
“Not for another two weeks.”
“Do you have a place to stay?”