Page 69 of Luke


“Tell me something,” Mick said into the phone.

“His name is Luke McCallister. He’s been an agent for about twenty years, and he’s on his way to Whitefish.”

“Where the hell is Whitefish?”

“Montana. Considering he’s a livestock agent for Montana, he’d be in Montana.”

“Don’t be a fucking smartass, Craig. What does that have to do with me anyway?”

“He’s going to be out of town for a few days. Maybe we don’t have to do something to him. We can grab her while he’s gone.”

Mick sat up. “That’s actually a good idea. Did you think of that yourself?”


“Never mind. How do you know he’s going out of town?”

“I saw him today and asked someone who he was since he had a gun, and they told me his name. He was going to that little diner again, so I called the office he works out of and asked for him. The woman who answered said he had just left for lunch, but he was going on a case in Whitefish tomorrow and could be gone a few days. If I needed assistance on a case, she could let me talk to another agent,” Craig said smugly.

“So, we’re not sure how many days he’ll be gone. We’re going to have to work fast.”

“She’s in her apartment now. I don’t know where she was allday, but she wasn’t there.”

“Follow her tomorrow. Stay in the damn parking lot by her apartment overnight if you have to, but we have to know where she’s going. And let me know if she takes that kid with her.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He hung up.

Mick placed his phone on his desk with a grin on his face. Finally.

The door opened and Sally walked in. She sat in the chair across from his desk, folded her arms and stared at him.

“I’m tired of waiting, Mick.”

“It’s going to happen real soon. Craig will follow her tomorrow and then we’ll see when it’s best to get her and the… baby.”

Sally stood. “This is your last chance,” she said, then walked out of the room.

“Damn bitch. I’ll get you that damn kid. No matter what.” He ran his hand down over his face. “And I hope it makes you happy for once in your miserable life and I won’t have to fucking deal with you.”


Luke drove down a back road until the GPS told him he had reached his destination. He slowed the truck, pulled into the drive, and parked. Exiting the truck, he placed his hat on his head, and walked toward the door.

Before he reached it, a man came out onto the porch. “Can I help you?”

“I hope so, sir. I’m Agent Luke McCallister with the Montana Department of Livestock. I’m looking for Leonard Waters.” He removed his badge from his belt to show the man, then attached it again.

The man leaned against the post of the porch. “Why?”

Luke smirked. “Unless you’re him, I’m not obligated to tellyou.”

The man spit on the ground, walked down the steps and headed for Luke. He stood his ground. The man stopped a few feet from him.

“Since I ain’t got no livestock, what do you want to talk about?”

“Are you Leonard Waters?” Luke placed his hand on his holstered weapon and unsnapped the retainer button.