Page 62 of Luke


“License, registration, and proof of insurance, please.”

“Damn, come on, Logan. You know me. I don’t speed.”

“Then what would you call what you were just doing?” Logan leaned down, looked into the truck, and grinned. “Ma’am.”

“Deputy, I’m afraid it’s my fault he was going a little fast.”

Luke looked at her and narrowed his eyes. “I don’t need your help.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, but I distinctly remember you telling me it was my fault.” Then she batted her eyelashes at him, making him shake his head.

When Logan chuckled, Luke glared at him.

“Just give me the damn ticket.”

“So, youwerein a hurry, Luke?”

“Yes,” he growled, making Logan laugh.

“Just slow down so you can get there in one piece. Have a good night.”

“Why are you working?”

“I had some paperwork to get done. I was just heading home when I saw you.”

“You could have let it go,” Luke said.

“Yeah, I could have, but I had a feeling I knew why you were speeding.” Logan touched the brim of his hat. “Goodnight.”

Luke watched him from the side mirror as he got into his SUV cruiser, turned off the blue lights, then pulled onto the road, blowing the horn as he passed by. Bryce snorted out a laugh.

Luke chuckled. “It is your fault, you know.”

Bryce shook her head as he pulled out behind Logan.

Luke slowed the truck and pulled into his driveway. He saw Bryce sit up and stare at the house. She looked at him then back at the house.

“It’s gorgeous, Luke.”

“Thanks.” He thought so too. “I have always liked farmhouses. This one is over a hundred and fifty years old. When I was looking for a place, I saw this. I gutted it and redid the interior. It took me almost three years to complete it.”

“Did you do it yourself?”

“Beau and some friends helped me, but since we all had jobs, it was mostly the weekends we worked on it. I’d come here after work and do what I could until it got dark.”

“Where did you live in the meantime?”

“I had an apartment.” He sighed. “I hated it. So, I worked on it as much as I could.”

“I can’t wait to see the inside. How much land do you have?”

“It’s only twenty-five acres, but that’s more than enough for me. I have a few horses, so I don’t need a lot.” He looked at her. “Do you ride?”

Bryce nodded. “It’s been a while, but I do love to ride.”

“Well, when the weather clears, maybe we can do that.”