Page 61 of Luke

“Brenda and I lost touch for years. Our... mother reached out to us, and we met for lunch.” Bryce shook her head in disappointment. “It was a disaster. She just wanted money from us. Brenda got up and left. I tried to give our mother the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as I said I didn’t have any money to give her, she caused a scene. Called me all sorts of names. I had enough and walked out too. Haven’t heard from her since. But Brenda and I stayed in touch, although she can be a bitch. I hatesaying that, but it’s the truth. When I got pregnant and told her, the first thing she said was that I turned out just like our mother. Then she scolded me for not being responsible, saying I should know better at my age, and at least our mother had immaturity as an excuse.” Bryce wiped away a tear from her cheek. “I’m so glad I didn’t go to Seattle like I planned. She made it clear that I wasn’t welcome to stay with her.”

Luke nodded sympathetically. “You’re right. She’s a bitch.”

“I don’t think we have the same father either. Our last name is our mother’s last name.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that.” He reached out to touch her hand.

“That’s why everyone here amazes me. I’ve never experienced such kindness, especially from strangers.” Bryce shook her head in disbelief. “But I’m happy now. Despite the mistake I made getting pregnant, I wouldn’t trade Leah for anything in the world.”

“I honestly believe that. I bet my parents are having a ball with her.”

“They’ll spoil her.”

“As she should be.” Luke grinned.

The server returned. “Are you ready yet?” he asked with a smile.

Luke gave him their orders. The young man smiled and walked off toward the kitchen.

Once their meals arrived, they dug in. Bryce groaned at the flavors exploding in her mouth at the first taste of shrimp. Luke looked at her and winked.

“Told you.”

“I would come here every day if I could.”

“Are you excited about your job?”

“I am. I can’t wait. I know I’ll miss Leah, but I can always stop by the daycare to see her.”

After they finished their meals, Luke helped her up, held her coat for her, then took her hand, and led her from the restaurant.

At his truck, he pushed her back against the door, and leaned into her, taking her lips in a deep kiss. Bryce moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She pushed her hips against his, then pulled back from him. He raised an eyebrow.

“Did you have this,” she pushed against him again, “all through dinner?”

Luke laughed. “I told you I’d have a hard-on all night.”

“Well, let’s go so if we can do something about that.”

Luke gave her a quick kiss, opened the door for her, and held her hand while she slid onto the seat. He shoved the door closed, walked around the front, opened his door, and climbed into the cab. He looked at her and she smiled, making him shake his head.

“Hold that thought, darlin’,” he said, then drove out of the parking lot.


If Luke didn’t have her soon, he was going to go insane. She’d been driving him crazy all night. Every time she’d take a bite of her food, she’d moan. He’d been about ready to pull her under the table and have his way with her.

He drove faster than he should have and swore when blue lights flashed behind him.

“Son of a bitch,” he muttered, as he pulled onto the shoulder of the road. He opened the glovebox, retrieved what he needed and gave Bryce a glare when she giggled. “I hope you know it’s your fucking fault.”

“I’ll tell the officer that,” she said laughing.

Luke sighed as he put the window down.

“In a hurry?” the officer asked.

Luke looked to see Deputy Logan Townson standing besidethe door.