Page 57 of Luke

“Good job, Craig. Call or text me if you find out anything else,” Mick instructed before hanging up. With a heavy sigh, he picked up his phone again and dialed his wife’s number.

“We know where she is,” he informed Sally when she answered.

“Go get her,” Sally demanded, her impatience seeping through the phone.

“We will,” Mick promised, but then hesitated before adding,“There’s just one small issue... she’s involved with a man.”

Sally’s response was immediate and harsh. “So? Does that make you jealous?”

Mick gripped his phone tightly, fighting back anger at her accusation. “No,” he growled through gritted teeth. “I just meant it will be more difficult to get to her now.”

“You’d better figure it out, Mick. You know what will happen if you don’t,” Sally warned before abruptly ending the call.

Mick let out a frustrated sigh and set down his phone only to pick it back up and fling it across the room in a fit of anger. This whole situation was becoming more complicated and dangerous by the minute. One thing he knew for sure’; Bryce and the kid were within his reach.


The following morning, Luke made the three-hour drive to Whitefish. He planned to arrive before noon. Upon researching, he found that Frederick Hancock owned a car dealership, but he had a habit of squandering his fortune on gambling.

Around eleven, he pulled into a fast-food joint and headed inside. Since he had skipped breakfast to get on the road early, he was now famished. After placing his order, he made a quick stop at the restroom before picking up his food.

Once he collected his order, he returned to his truck and ate his meal while keeping an eye on the dealership across the road. Luke couldn’t wait to have a chat with this man whom he didn’t even know but already disliked due to how he had treated his father, who was a damn good man in Luke’s eyes.

When he finished eating, Luke disposed of his trash in the bag it came in and drove across the road toward the dealership. Parking near the building, he smirked as a young man approached him.

“Hello there. Are you in need of a new vehicle?”

“Nope. I’m here for Frederick Hancock.”

“Oh, he’s in his office to the right of the service desk. Just check in with his receptionist first.”

“Thanks.” Luke opened one of the glass doors.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a look at our vehicles?”

“I’m positive, but thanks for asking.” Luke nodded and headed toward the door to Hancock’s office located next to the service counter. A woman sat behind a desk next to a door with a nameplate reading “Frederick Hancock.”

“Can I help you?” She smiled at him with more than just friendly vibes.

“I’m Agent Luke McCallister from the Montana Department of Livestock in Clifton. I need to speak with Mr. Hancock.” He placed his hand on his hip, next to his holstered weapon. Her eyes widened.

“Um, I’ll have to check if he’s available.”

“Go ahead, but just know that I’m going in either way.”

“Just give me a minute.”

“Sure thing, ma’am.” Luke leaned against the wall as she went inside. She returned in less than a minute.

“I apologize, but he is currently on an important call, and it could take a while.”

“I’ll wait in his office.” Luke pushed off from the wall and walked past her, opening the door and entering the office. As the receptionist had mentioned, Hancock was indeed on the phone, but it wouldn’t be for much longer.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Hancock. He barged in before I could stop him.”

“I’ll deal with him once this call is finished,” Hancock snapped dismissively, waving the receptionist out of the room.

Luke’s voice was firm and commanding as he spoke. “You’re done now. Hang it up or I will,” he said to Hancock, who let out a resigned sigh.