“In two weeks. I will have to tell Rafe because he’ll have to take me to the hospital.”
“I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“Hell, no he won’t. That boy does whatever I ask of him.”
“It’s good you have him then.”
“I agree. I have five ranch hands, and I trust all of them. When I leave this world, they’ll be taken care of.”
“Maybe you should leave your ranch to Rafe.” Luke grinned.
“He told me he didn’t want it.”
“That was his emotions talking.”
Mr. Hancock leaned closer and spoke conspiratorially. “Iknow and between you and me, I am leaving the ranch to him. He can be pissed all he wants after I’m gone.”
Luke couldn’t help but laugh as he stood up from his chair. “I think that’s a great idea. The reason for my visit today is to let you know that I’m heading to Whitefish to speak with your son. And if it turns out that he had anything to do with the horses’ disappearance, I will arrest him.”
“Son, you do what you have to. It will be a huge disappointment to me, but you do the crime, you do the time. Good luck.” He put his hand out and Luke shook it.
“Thank you. I’ll be in touch.”
Luke walked out the door, closing it behind him. He made himself a promise. Once this case was solved, he was going to keep in touch with Fred Hancock.
Bryce stood at the window, a content smile on her face as she observed the hustle and bustle of people outside. Despite the cold weather, the sun shone brightly, providing some warmth. She nervously nibbled on her thumbnail, wondering when she would hear back from the hospital about her job interview. Although she was confident it had gone well, there was always a bit of uncertainty.
A noise interrupted her thoughts, and she turned to see Leah in her bouncy seat on the floor. “You can’t possibly be hungry already, little one. Did you make a mess?” Bryce made her way over to Leah and wrinkled her nose at the smell. “Oh boy, that’s quite a mess you made.” She chuckled when Leah smiled up at her.
“One of these days I’ll make Luke change you when you’re this messy.” Bryce knew it was wishful thinking though; Luke would never be able to handle changing a really dirty diaper. “Big, strong man until it comes to diapers,” she joked.
She picked up Leah and carried her to the bedroom to change her and put on clean pajamas. As she settled Leah back into the bouncy seat, she realized that in two weeks, Leah would already be three months old. “I can’t believe how fast you’re growing,” Bryce exclaimed with a grin as Leah smiled back at her. She placed her back in the seat, and Leah reached for the little stuffed teddy bears on the mobile hanging above it.
Just as she was about to sit down on the sofa, her phone buzzed with an incoming call from the hospital. Her heart raced as she answered, hoping it was good news.
“Ms. Spencer? This is Rita Cage calling. We would like to offer you the job at Clifton Memorial.”
Bryce widened her eyes in delight. “Thank you so much! I was worried I didn’t do well in the interview.”
Mrs. Cage let out a laugh. “On the contrary, you were wonderful. I apologize for not calling sooner, but we are also hiring three nurses, so I had some other calls to make. Can you start next Monday?”
“Yes, absolutely, Mrs. Cage. I would love to.”
“Great! Call me Rita by the way. I believe I told you during the interview, but your shift will be from seven in the morning to three-thirty in the afternoon with a half hour lunch break.”
“Yes, you did mention it. I’ll be there.”
“I thought so, but things have been hectic here. Just arrive at my office at six thirty on Monday and we’ll get you started. Also, our daycare is open twenty-four seven, and I’ve already informed them that your daughter will be attending. You’ll need to bring a copy of her immunizations. Do you have any questions?”
“Not at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll think of some after we hang up.” Bryce couldn’t contain her excitement as she spoke.
Rita chuckled. “I look forward to having you join our team.Welcome to Clifton Memorial.”
Bryce hung up and let out a yell of joy, startling Leah who looked up at her with curiosity but then smiled when she saw her mama’s happy face. “Mama got the job, baby! I’m so happy!” Bryce picked up her phone again to call Luke.