“There’s no need to thank me. I’m more than happy to do it.”
“I appreciate it so much. I’ll bring her by around one, if that’s alright.”
“It’s fine. I’ll see you both then.”
“Okay. Thanks. Bye.”
“Bye for now, honey.” Lisa hung up.
Bryce set the phone down and a tear rolled down her face. Luke had such wonderful parents. Shaking her head, she wished her own mother would have been half as loving as Lisa was.
She quickly called Luke.
“Hey, darlin’,” he said.
“I love your mother.”
Luke chuckled. “She is great, isn’t she? I told you she’d do it.”
“She’s amazing. She makes me wish my mother would have been more like her.”
“Yeah, we’re going to talk about that sometime.”
“Okay. Oh, I hear Leah. I’d better go.”
“Feed that girl,” he teased.
Bryce laughed. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay. Bryce?”
“I love you,” he said then hung up.
Bryce smiled then hung up. She loved him too. So very much.
Chapter Eight
Mick entered his office just as his cellphone buzzed. He removed it from his lab coat pocket to see Craig’s number. Mick sighed. What now, he wondered as he strode around his desk, took a seat, and answered.
“Could you for once, have good news?” he growled.
“I found her.”
Mick sat up. “Where?”
“She’s living in Clifton, Montana. She has an apartment and… a man.”
Mick grit his teeth. “A man? Who is he?”
“I don’t know yet, but I will. I just saw him come out of some rinky dink diner and I’m following him.”
“Shit. Just someone else to have to contend with. Where is Bryce now?”
“She lives in the apartment above the diner. She’s there now.”
“Don’t go there yet. Find out who the man is. Call me back.”