Page 51 of Luke

“That’s great. When?”

“Wednesday. I just have to figure out what to do with Leah while I go.” She nibbled on her bottom lip.

“I’m sure my mom would watch her.”

“I hate to ask her, Luke.”

“Please. She adores Leah. I’ll call her tomorrow for you.”

“Shouldn’t I do it?”

“If you want, but it’s no problem.”

“Luke, you have a lot on your mind. I’ll call her tomorrow. If she says no, I’ll see if I can put Leah in the daycare during the interview.” Bryce shrugged.

“Okay. Whatever you think is best, sweetheart.”

She sat forward, kissed his lips, and stared into his eyes. “I think you’re the best.”

Luke laughed. “Only with you, baby. Only with you.”

They stayed in the tub for a few more minutes, then got out and climbed into her bed. Luke grumbled about it beingsmall, but Bryce just laughed and hugged him tight. He had no complaints about that.


Bryce stared at Lisa’s number on her phone. Luke had sent it to her. He told her he’d ask his mother, but Bryce felt she needed to do it. Taking a deep breath, she made the call.



“This is Lisa.”

“Hi, this is Bryce—”

“Bryce! Honey, how are you?”

“I’m fine. You?”

“Just wonderful, how is that adorable daughter of yours?”

Bryce laughed. “Adorable. Um, that’s sort of why I’m calling…”

“Oh? What do you need?”

“I have an interview for a job at Clifton Memorial Wednesday at two, and I don’t have anyone to leave Leah with—”

“Say no more. I’ll watch her for you.”

“Are you sure? I hate asking, but…”

“Bryce, if I don’t have anything planned, I am more than happy to watch her for you. What about if you get the job?”

“Oh, the hospital has a free daycare for employees.”

“Well, that’s wonderful. Please, bring her by Wednesday anytime. We’ll have a nice time together.”

“I don’t know how to thank you.”