Then turn the fuck around and check it out!Mick’s patience was wearing thin.
Yes, sir.
Mick stood, let out a deep breath and forcefully threw his phone across the room, the sound of it hitting against the wall echoing in the office. Time was running out, and they couldn’t afford to miss any possible lead, no matter how small.
“Fuck,” he shouted as he sat down.
The door opened and a nurse stuck her head in.
“Is everything alright, Dr. Burns?”
“Yeah, Tammy. I’m just frustrated. Could you get my phone for me?” He pointed to where the phone lay on the floor.
“Sure.” She entered the room, picked up the phone, handed it to him, then left the office.
He looked at his phone to see it was still working. He was glad it was in a case, otherwise it would have shattered.
“Damn you, Bryce. All you’re doing is pissing me off more,” he muttered as he pushed his seat back, stood, and walked out of his office to see patients.
Luke let out a sigh as he sat at his desk, poring over more files.
“Still no luck finding the Shires?” Creed asked as he sat in the chair across from him.
“They seem to have vanished into thin air,” Luke responded, frustration evident in his voice. “How can someone hide fifteen huge horses?”
“Whoever took them knew what they were doing. The size of the trailer tire tracks indicates it was a large vehicle.”
“At least I was able to recover them from under all that snow,” Luke shook his head. “I just don’t understand. I want to find them, Creed. Mr. Hancock is battling cancer, and I don’t knowhow long he has left. I want him to have his horses back before anything happens.”
“You know it’s not always that simple, Luke.”
“I know. It’s just... Mr. Hancock is a good man. He seems lonely and those horses mean everything to him. His wife passed away two years ago, and his son doesn’t seem to care about him.”
“Have you looked into the son?”
“Not yet. I’ve been too busy going through these files.”
“Do you have his name? I can look into him for you since I just finished a case and Dave hasn’t assigned me a new one yet.” Creed smirked.
“I didn’t ask for his name. I had a feeling Mr. Hancock wouldn’t appreciate me poking around about his son.”
“Can you find out what it is?”
“Yeah, hold on. Let me call his manager.” Luke picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found Rafe Marshall’s number, then dialed it.
“Agent McCallister, how can I help you?” Rafe answered.
“Mr. Marshall, could you tell me the name of Mr. Hancock’s son?”
“It’s the same as his father’s, but he goes by Frederick.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help.”