Page 38 of Luke

She smiled when she saw Luke’s truck coming down Main Street but stopped. Bryce frowned, then smiled when she saw him lower his window and talk to a deputy. Her grin widened when she saw them both laughing. When the deputy walked away, Luke drove his truck to the back of the building.

“Luke is almost here, Leah, then I’ll put you in your pretty pink suit,” she said.

She walked to the door when a knock sounded. She opened it and smiled at him. He removed his hat, wiped his feet on the mat, and entered the apartment.

“Hi,” she said.

Luke didn’t say anything at first, just stepped forward, and kissed her lips.

“Hi,” he said against them.

“Let me get Leah in her suit. Are you sure your mother is alright with this?”

“Are you kidding? She loves babies.” Luke smiled.

“I just don’t want to put her out.”

“Bryce, sweetheart, trust me, you’re not. By the time we pick Leah up, she’ll be spoiled rotten. I didn’t even get to finish asking her before she said yes.”

Bryce grinned. “Okay.”

She walked to where Leah sat in her bouncy seat and picked her up.

“Hey, baby girl,” Luke said from behind her. “How about I take the diaper bag down while you get her in her suit, then I’ll come back up to help you down the stairs.”

“Could you take her bouncy seat too?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right back.”

“Let me add some bottles and formula first.” Bryce put a few bottles in another bag, along with formula, then zipped it closed.

Luke picked up both bags, then left the apartment.

Bryce put Leah’s suit on her, picked her up, and waited for Luke to return. He opened the door and looked at her.

“Make sure you’re warm too. It’s twenty degrees.”

“Can you hold her for a second?”

“Of course. Come here, baby girl.”

Bryce pulled on her coat, then put a beanie on her head. She smiled as she watched Luke talking to Leah as if she understood every word he said.

“I’ll carry the car seat, too.” She picked it up and they carefully walked down the steps. “At least Connie keeps the steps cleared of ice and snow. I love that woman.”

Luke grinned. “We all do.”

He opened the back door and Bryce put the car seat in, making sure it was attached correctly before having Luke put Leah in her seat. Bryce opened the other back door, then placed the other seat on the floor and put the bags in it.

Once they both climbed into the truck, Luke started it, and drove them to his parents’ house. Bryce glanced around the town.

“This is such a great place. I can’t wait to explore the shops.”

“I don’t think I could live anywhere else.”

When they arrived at his parents’ place, he parked and stepped out.

“I’ll get this stuff, you get Leah.”